California Law Would Ban Making Separate Aisles for Boys and Girls in Stores

This is a satirical article from almost exactly a year ago. Last year’s satire is this year’s iron law.

It’s going to get weirder before it gets even weirder than that.

Daily Mail:

California wants to ban boys and girls toy or clothes sections in large stores in order to enforce the gender-neutral presentation of products.

The bill would make it illegal for retailers to put up signs saying ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ over displays of toys, clothes or childcare items under the threat of a $1,000 fine.

Meanwhile, stores located in the state that have a website would be required to use titles like ‘kids’, ‘unisex’, or ‘gender-neutral’ rather than dividing goods by sex.

Assembly Bill 1084 requires retailers with 500 or more employees ‘to maintain undivided areas of its sales floor where the majority of those items being offered are displayed, regardless of whether an item has traditionally been marketed for either girls or for boys,’ according to the Legislative Counsel’s digest of the bill.

The bill, which if passed would go into effect on January 1, 2024, was co-authored by Assemblyman Evan Low, D-Campbell, who chairs the California Legislative LGBT Caucus, and Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, D-Bell Gardens, who chairs the California Legislative Women’s Caucus.

The text of the legislation claims the ban is necessary to prevent people from being treated differently due to their sex.

An earlier version of the bill was introduced in 2020, but Low decided to withdraw it to avoid distracting from the COVID pandemic, reported the Sacramento Bee.

Introducing the bill, Low said he was inspired by Target’s decision in 2015 to abolish gendered children’s sections.

The fact is, they can do anything now, and you can’t disagree with it, because if you disagree with any of it, you’re a racist and whatever.

There is no way to say “okay wait, this is going a little bit too far,” because people have already bought in to the whole program.

The good news is, that means that the only way out for people is to buy out of the whole program, and I think that you’re going to start seeing more and more people doing this, just like you’ve seen people buying out of Black Lives Matter.

Eventually, it’s going to be 99% of heterosexual white males and married white women, along with probably even a few unmarried white women, on the side against the assorted hordes of brown people and Jews.