Call to Action: Female Trump Supporter Attacked by Negroid at St. John’s, School Refuses to Punish Him at All

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2016

Yesterday, a vicious Black on the St. John’s University campus posted this on Twitter:


When she confronted the Negro about the tweet, he attacked her.

NY Daily News:

A student at the private college had a cup of green tea tossed in his face after he threatened on Twitter to smash a classmate’s computer because of her allegiance to the GOP front-runner.

Note that there is no clear evidence that she threw the tea before she was attacked, as the media is claiming.

She has not admitted to throwing the tea, though the Negro has admitted to attacking her.

Clifford Durand, 18, posted a photo of an unsuspecting fellow student with a “Trump Make America Great Again” sticker on her laptop and asked his followers to share the image.

“7000 retweets and i’ll smash this b***h’s computer,” Durand wrote in the post, which his friends claimed was a joke.

The picture was retweeted more than 16,000 times within four hours of being posted online.

When 20-year-old Trump supporter Brianna Algazali was told that her picture was going viral she complained to the school’s public safety office and confronted Durand.

Several witnesses at the Fresh Meadows campus watched as the heated Trump backer threw her Matcha water on Durand.

“She raised her voice and she threw her drink on him,” a friend of Durand told the Daily News. “He looked like he was in shock. I went towards him to hold him back.”

Yeah, see. That’s the Negroes friend saying she threw the tea first.

Some students present claimed that Durand struck Algazali after he was hit with the hot beverage. He admitted as much in one of dozens of tweets he sent before his account was suspended by the social media giant.

No direct quote on it happening before. They seem to be basing this on the Negroes own tweet.


“She asked him to take down the post and he said ‘make me,’ ” another student said.

The NYPD said they weren’t involved in the case.

“Safety is the top priority at St. John’s University. We are aware of an incident that occurred earlier today on campus and it is being addressed,” a representative for the school told The News. “Any student in violation of our Code of Conduct is subject to our conduct process.”

The school also tweeted this (monkey response included below, posted as a reply to the school’s tweet by one of his friends).

This is after he attacked a woman. He was talked to be the school staff and released without any consequences.


Clifford Durand


Brianna Algazali

This story is getting virtually no media attention whatsoever.

The Right Stuff has put out a call to action, asking people to tweet the school and to give them bad reviews on Facebook.

Demand justice from Saint John’s University at:

Twitter: @StJohnsU


The hashtag is #ExpelClifford

You can also sign this petition:

It’s very important we make as much noise as possible about this.

It is absolutely insane that a Black can attack a Trump supporter – a woman at that – and suffer zero legal consequences – or even school discipline.

The media is refusing to cover it.

Other than the above-linked NY Daily News article, there is virtually nothing at all on Google News.


The media cover-up is in itself probably a bigger story than the attack itself.

This is a fantastic opportunity. Please do everything you can to spread the word of this attack.

We can make this blow up.

Hail Victory.