Cameron Grovels to The Jews in Israel and Proudly Boasts of Being a Mischling

Daily Stormer
March 13, 2014

Benjamin Netanyahu demonstrates his mastery of Star Trek hand gestures to Cameron.

The PM of the UK has gone to Israel for them to ensure his loyalty to the Jewish state, and decided to take time to brag about how he himself is a Jew.

From the Telegraph:

David Cameron has made his first visit to Israel as Prime Minister, telling members of the country’s parliament, the Knesset, that his family tree includes a Jewish great-great-grandfather.

In his address, Mr Cameron underlined his “rock solid” commitment to Israel by revealing how his great-great-grandfather Emile Levita, came from Germany to Britain 150 years ago.

He also spoke of an illustrious earlier ancestor, Elijah Levita, who wrote what is thought to have been the first ever Yiddish novel, a chivalric romance called the Bove-Bukh.

The prime minister’s Jewish heritage was first revealed in 2009, when one of Britain’s leading rabbinical authorities, Yaakov Wise, of Manchester University’s Centre for Jewish Studies, traced Mr Cameron’s family tree back to the 16th-century Jewish scholar Elijah Levita.

Levita was also responsible for another important work, the 1541 Translator’s Book, the first dictionary of the Targums or Aramaic commentaries on the Hebrew Bible.

It led the Prime Minister to consult Dayan Ehrentreu, former head of the London Beth Din, the rabbinical court, about his roots in a meeting he called “one of the highlights of my year”.

Levita, according to Dr Wise, is the Latin form of the name Levite, a Jew descended from the Tribe of Levi, the son of Jacob and one of the original twelve tribes of Israel.

According to the scholar, the Prime Minister could also be a direct descendant of the biblical Hebrew prophet, Moses.

It is a good thing there are never any conflicts of interest with these people.  If the Jews were not such an honest bunch, I would feel pretty uncomfortable having a man of foreign origin ruling my country and pledging allegiance to the foreign people from which he originates.

Cameron shares a Free-Masonic handshake with the Israeli Ambassador to Britain, Daniel Taub.