Canada to Indoctrinate Elementary Teachers into Believing in “White Privilege” Conspiracy Theory

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2014

Being born White isn't "luck," it is genetics.
Being born White isn’t “luck,” it is genetic science.

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) is demanding their members learn the ins and outs of the retarded “White Privilege” conspiracy theory, which claims that a magical force gives White people special benefits in society, and that they should feel bad about this.

There has been a significant backlash against the promotion of this delusional fantasy parading as a theory while claiming to be a fact. Some have called the theory subversive and aimed at destabilizing society, while others have simply pointed out that it is obviously stupid, but the Jews behind it continue to push it every chance they get.

This teachers union represents more than 76,000 teachers, who will be forced to confront this invisible and untraceable monster of “White Privilege.”

A recent op-ed in the Toronto Sun gave a critical report on the program.

A note on the ETFO website says the union is looking for people to put on the workshops.

The “ideal presenter” will have “demonstrated commitment and understanding of white privilege and systemic issues.”

Interested in the job? Then you should submit a cover letter that outlines “your understanding of white privilege.”

Well, here’s my understanding of white privilege.

It doesn’t exist.

This is a racist notion put forward by ETFO and it is as dangerous as it is corrosive.

I don’t know what “systemic issues” they’re talking about, but it’s presupposing a whole bunch of false assumptions.

By their very nature and label, these workshops are aimed at creating resentment of one race by all others.

What on earth is a union doing giving workshops on something that’s so alien to Canadian society?

The purpose is clearly to indoctrinate teachers into believing it exists.

The next step is for them to brainwash the children in their classrooms.

Do you really want that? Should white parents allow their children to be guilted by their teachers into believing they’re privileged because they’re white?

This has no place in our society.

We don’t have a problem with “white privilege.”

We have a society built on successive waves of immigration. We have no deep-rooted aristocracy that inherits wealth.

Just living in this great country that rewards hard work, ingenuity and initiative is a privilege — no matter what your colour.

Most people who consider themselves “privileged,” do so because either they, their parents or their grandparents made incredible sacrifices to give them the way of life they enjoy.

I couldn’t agree with this more. Though I would add that in Western societies, non-Whites in fact have real and tangible privilege. They receive preferential treatment in hiring and school acceptance, they are more likely to receive welfare and other social benefits, they get all sorts of free things constantly. They have been elevated far above us, and yet they are still incapable of coming even close to competing with us on any level (except sports), so they have now embraced this “White Privilege” madness which claims there is a secret magical force holding them back.

The bizarre thing about the White Privilege theory is that they don’t really ever even attempt to explain what it is in any real terms, instead offering strange and unclear anecdotes.

One of the key arguments for the existence of White Privilege is that no White person can ever understand that it exists.  Meta level, bro.
SRSLY: One of the key arguments for the existence of White Privilege is that no White person can ever understand that it exists. Meta level, bro.

Of course, if we deny the existence of race – and it is now assumed by most of the mainstream that “race doesn’t exist” – we are left with no other possible explanation of why non-Whites (except Asians, who, despite the yellowness of their skin, also apparently have some form of White Privilege) continually fail, no matter how they are propped up, outside of either magic or a complex and confusing conspiracy theory (“White Privilege” incorporates both magic and conspiracy).

The fact is that race exists. People are biologically different than one another. Just as an individual can be genetically prone to intelligence and success, a racial group can be prone to intelligence and success. You can give an entire developed city like Detroit to Africans, and they immediately destroy the entire place, turn it into Africa. One could say the Blacks of Detroit were privileged to receive that city, and yet their privilege did not keep them from failing, utterly.

We are living in a 1984 world, where logic and science are thrown out the window in favor of the Jew-devised religion of political correctness. Until we throw off these shackles, and embrace reality, the crazy is going to keep on intensifying. “White Privilege” is a retard concept, but still more retarded is yet to come, I guarantee it.

Coming soon to an elementary school near you!
Coming soon to an elementary school near you!