Cara Gets That Dyke Haircut – WHY CARA, WHY???

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 3, 2017

Despite trolling my own readership by claiming that all women should have ripped abs and huge muscular butts, I must now admit that my favorite celebrity sex symbol is Cara Delevingne. Not that she’s the ideal woman necessarily, but just of the current celebrities to chose from, obviously excluding Taylor Swift, she is my favorite.

Also yes, I’m aware that she is 1/64th Jewish and it says that in her Wikipedia, so don’t send me an email about that please. I’m just talking purely about physical aesthetics here, not anything to do with her as a “person.”


But oh what has she gone and done.

Yes, she has gone and gotten that dyke haircut they’re all getting.


This is sick and perverse.

It is transsexualism.

They are all doing it now, and I had already predicted that they all would.

Here: Hot New Dyke Haircut for the Dykey Shiksa Whores

It doesn’t really matter with Cara, as though she used to have quite the body:

She’s gotten grossly fat now.

But this is intended to be sold to young girls. And they will do it, like they did that “shave have the head” thing when Miley did that.

Though fashion trends come and go, this one is blatantly malicious, meant to further destroy the concept of gender, to wreck the idea of femininity.

I see white girls now doing this, all around, just as they are supposed to.

The purpose of celebrity culture is to guide the behavior of the goyim. That is why everything is slut slut slut, tranny tranny tranny. They are showing you the way they want you to act, which is in such a way as destroys the fabric of society.

A Note on Physical Fatness

In the above pictures of Young Cara, you can see this on her belly button:

If you do not have that rim around the top of your belly button, you are a fat slob, period.

That goes for men and women, but not men when they’re bulking or training for some sport that requires a little extra weight.

Please people.

Stop being fat.

I just can’t take it anymore.

For the sake of our movement, show some self control.

And look – almost all of it is D I E T.

The exercise stuff is about muscle, strength and developing skills.

But the least you can do is not be fat. No one is going to fault you for not being muscular (as long as you’re not twig-like), as long as you look like you give a shit.

If you are fat, you are telling the whole world: “I simply do not give a shit: not about myself, not about my family, not about you and not about my society.”

There is no way to justify it.

I am releasing an updated diet guide soon.

And then you’re not going to have any excuses. At all.