Caravan of Depravity: Mudgrants Getting Gay-Married, Arrested for Public Drunkenness, Drug Possession, Etc.

Octavio Rivera
Daily Stormer
November 21, 2018

Faggots, drug-addicts, alcoholics, criminals… dreamers. You can’t say the caravan isn’t diverse.

Just this weekend, at least 8 homosexual spics from the caravan got married in Tijuana.

There’s been 34 mudgrants arrested just because of the color of their skin, too.


Local police officers in Tijuana arrested 34 caravan migrants for misdemeanor charges including drug possession and public drunkenness. They were turned over to Mexican immigration authorities.

Next-level enrichment.

This week, Tijuana’s Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum sparked controversy claiming that any migrant who does not respect the law will be arrested and turned over to Mexican immigration authorities.

Why is that “controversial”?

Why should they put up with foreign criminals?

They have enough with their own, do they not?

“My message is anti-drug use, anti-drunkenness, anti-law-breaking, my message is against all that,” Gastelum said in his statement.”

In this day and age, that’s very controversial.

Are you moved yet? If their muhgibs story doesn’t seem very heart-touching to you, rest assured, they themselves are literally (WARNING: GRAPHIC) heart-touching.

They’ll show you if you want.

You just gotta give them a chance.