Careful in Them Tubes, Nigga – Yall Botta Get Swooped Up

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 20, 2019

You people need to stop saying edgy stuff on the internet.

Seriously, you will be arrested by federal cops.

Because there is apparently some new law against “expressing interest” in committing certain crimes. This is as in “the feds nabbed him on expressing interest charges.”


Authorities this weekend announced they had foiled three potential mass shootings after arresting three men in different states who expressed interest in or threatened to carry them out.

All three cases were brought to authorities’ attention thanks to tips from the public.

In Connecticut, 22-year-old Brandon Wagshol was arrested after authorities said he had expressed interest in committing a mass shooting on Facebook, according to a statement from the FBI and the Norwalk Police Department.

He faces four charges of illegal possession of large capacity magazines, and is being held on a $250,000 bond. He is scheduled to appear in court September 6.

According to the statement, authorities received a tip that Wagshol was trying to buy large capacity rifle magazines from out of state.

As the FBI and the Norwalk Police Department were investigating the tip, they discovered Wagshol was trying to build his own rifle and had allegedly posted on Facebook about his interest in committing a mass shooting, the statement said. Authorities did not provide details on what the post said.

Tristan Scott Wix of Daytona Beach, Florida, was arrested in a Winn-Dixie parking lot on Friday after he sent his ex-girlfriend a series of disturbing texts in which he allegedly threatened to commit a mass shooting, the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office said. The ex-girlfriend alerted authorities.

In the messages, the 25-year-old said he wanted to open fire on a large crowd of people, the sheriff’s office said in a news release. “A good 100 kills would be nice,” one message allegedly read. Wix also said he already had a location in mind, according to the sheriff’s office.

“A school is a weak target.. id be more likely to open fire on a large crowd of people from over 3 miles away.. I’d wanna break a world record for longest confirmed kill ever,” another message read, according to the sheriff’s office.

Wix wrote that he wanted to die and “have fun doing it,” authorities said.

Volusia County Sheriff Michael Chitwood said on CNN Sunday that authorities had recovered a .22-caliber hunting rifle and 400 rounds of ammo in Wix’s apartment.

The perfect weapon for a mass shooting, but the way. A .22 hunting rifle is known as “Slaughter’s Choice” among mass shooting interest expressers.

Slap a bump stock on one of those babies and you’re going to unleash hell on earth.

And in Ohio, 20-year-old James Patrick Reardon was arrested for allegedly threatening to carry out a shooting at a Youngstown Jewish community center.

An Instagram account belonging to Reardon shared a video that showed a man firing a gun, New Middletown Police Chief Vincent D’Egidio told CNN. The post — which was shown to an officer out on an unrelated call — tagged the Jewish Community Center of Youngstown, D’Egidio said.

It’s unclear whether the man shooting the gun was Reardon or someone else.

Andy Lipkin, the executive vice-president of the Youngstown Area Jewish Federation, said the post was accompanied by a caption that read, “Police identified the Youngstown Jewish Family Community shooter as local white nationalist Seamus O’Rearedon” — Seamus being a Gaelic version of Reardon’s name.

The rest of the Instagram account contained anti-Semitic comments, white nationalist content, and images of Reardon or someone else shooting guns, D’Egidio said.

A search warrant was executed and authorities found a cache of weapons and ammunition, D’Egidio told CNN.

Reardon was arrested without incident and booked into the Mahoning County Jail on Saturday on one count of telecommunications harassment and one count of aggravated menacing, according to online jail records. He’s set to be arraigned Monday morning, the police chief said.

So yeah okay um.


None of these people are being charged explicitly with “expressing interest.”

Wagshol is being charged with a weapons violation.

Wix is being charged with… threatening to kill no specific person or people at no specific date and in no specific place in a private conversation. I guess?

Reardon is being charged with posting a meme on Instagram (this appears to be a literal European-style hate speech charge).

What they all have in common is that they were snitched on. They can also – presumably and I hope – all get out of this trumped-up bullshit. Certainly, Wix and Reardon can get out easily because the charges don’t even make sense.

Wagshol is the only one who apparently broke the law, but the details of how the police found this out are not clear, and it appears that they broke the law in trying to go after him.

But what we appear to have here is the beginning of a mass round-up of white people on pre-crime charges.

This is an extremely disturbing development.

Because while these cases may seem slightly more extreme than the posts made by the average internet autist, they are just the start of this wave. It’s the slippery slope and the creeping crawler, and they will start arresting people for much less serious internet posts and accusing them of being terrorists.

Also note that although all of these men owned guns, they will probably start doing it to people who do not own guns. They can just say you had “bomb making supplies” and point to some chemicals under your kitchen sink – they are already accusing a guy of planning to do a mass shooting with a .22 hunting rifle. Or they can say you were “planning to purchase” something, and point to some pictures of guns found in your browser history.

They can apparently pretty much just do whatever the heck they want. But at least for now, they are going to need to be able to point to something.

I know that our community has been known to make some pretty edgy jokes on the internet, and I just want to tell you all: do not heck around. Now is not the time to heck around. If you get arrested and booked for expressing interest, even if it is later determined that expressing interest is not a real crime, your life will still be destroyed. You will still have accusations of interest expression at the top of Google searches for your name for your entire life. And it will cost you all of your money to stay out of prison.

Please note that saying “in Minecraft” or some other such edgy qualifier after a threatening statement DOES NOT in any way clear you of responsibility for a post to incitement. (You might also note that a key proponent of “in Minecraft” funny-guy incitement edge-posting was recently linked to a federal informant posing as a right-winger, if you are astute.)

Given the Wix situation, it also appears that you cannot joke in private conversations about killing people if you are white. At least not in electronic communication. Though probably, you should totally remove any sort of this kind of speech from your entire lexicon.

Post very, very carefully lest you be swooped on.