Chicago Police Say They’ll Hold the Line Standing Against Vax Mandate

The really amazing thing is that so many people really do not want this vaccine.

I am actually amazed at the degree of resistance we are seeing.

It’s hard to see, because of the censorship. But we have a massive movement, which stretches across all generations and all walks of life.

Washington Examiner:

The Chicago police union chief called on officers to ignore the city’s vaccine mandate set to take effect on Friday.

In a video posted to YouTube, Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara told officers, “Do not fill out the portal information.”

“I’ve made my status very clear as far as the vaccine, but I do not believe the city has the authority to mandate that to anybody — let alone that information about your medical history,” Catanzara said.

Catanzara is not being a cuck faggot and saying “oh I believe in the vaccine and I love it but you can’t force us tho.”

Nothing but straight business – the business of “nope.”

Greg Abbott could learn a few things from this wop.

Maybe he could also teach that faggot how to walk.

The city’s vaccine mandate will place officers who do not submit proof of vaccination by the deadline on a “no pay” status. The police union is preparing a lawsuit against the city of Chicago.

“It’s safe to say that the city of Chicago will have a police force at 50% or less for this weekend coming up,” he added.

Catanzara also instructed officers to file for an exemption from the mandate but not to confirm the vaccination status with the city.

“I can guarantee you that no-pay status will not last more than 30 days,” he continued. “There’s no way they’re going to be able to sustain a police department workforce at 50% capacity or less for more than seven days without something budging.”

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot addressed speculations about police non-compliance with the vaccine mandate during a press conference Wednesday.

“What will the city do if over 50% of cops go into work and get sent home this week?” a reporter asked Lightfoot.

“I don’t expect that to happen,” the mayor responded. “And again, I’m going to be focused on the positive … that all our city employees … do their duty and make sure that they get vaccinated.”

“I’ve been very clear,” Lightfoot added. “The only way that we can maximize safety in our workplace is to get people vaccinated.”

None of them should go to work if the head of the Fraternal Order of Police is ordering them not to. But of course, the vaxed will always stab you in the back. The vaxed care only about doing what they’re told, being afraid, being faggot bitches, getting more fake vaccines.

I never would have thought that the cops of all people would be ones to resist brutal authority.

But you love to see it.

In other news, 10,000 John Deere employees have gone on strike. That isn’t officially related to vaccinations, but everything is related to everything, and most blue collar workers have the vax at the top of their list of concerns.

People everywhere, across the country, are going on strike, and the media is trying to frame it as unrelated to the vax mandate. Leftists are now tweeting about how it’s some kind of commie “workers” horseshit.

Some commie in The Guardian just wrote an article about a “general strike” – without mentioning vaccines!

Of course, it’s not just America.

The media can of course just say whatever at this point. I would not be at all surprised if some commies started organizing unrelated “strikes” and then the media started interviewing them and then claimed that all of these strikes are unrelated to vaccines and it’s all some kind of communist worker movement.

Everything is just so retarded, it makes you sick thinking about it.

I still think the best strategy is to pull blacks into this.

Blacks are resisting the vax, and blacks are considered paragons of morality.

That should be exploited. We need to use these black people as shields.

Again, we run into the censorship problem. If it wasn’t for the censorship problem, we could basically use fake internet accounts to get the blacks to go full Summer of Love against the vax. But right now, the strategy of the government and media is to not directly pressure the blacks – yet.

Obviously, they think that after whites have been vaxed, they can just figure out a way to vax the blax by cutting off their food stamps or bribing them or whatever.

Blacks have no idea what is going on. Even less of an idea than whites. So they can just regionally target blacks, and prevent them from all freaking out together.

So in that way, we are actually a shield for the blacks.

The basic fact is: I don’t care who you are.

This is now all about the vax.

Until there is no longer a brutal vax agenda, there is no other conflict between persons that I recognize as valid.

There are only purebloods and the corrupted vaxed mutant pigs.