China Buys Russian Oil Above Western Price Cap, “Business as Usual”

Previously: Russia to Become India’s Biggest Oil Supplier, Sanctions Only Damaging West

Ain’t no problems over here.

Just normal people doing business in a normal manner.


Russia’s ESPO crude from the Far East is being sold above the Western-imposed $60 per barrel price cap in Asia, Bloomberg reported on Friday, concluding that Moscow might be using its own tankers and insurance to bypass sanctions.

The export price for ESPO grade for January deliveries was estimated at $67.11 by independent price information provider Argus Media on Thursday, and a number of China’s independent refiners that have already booked oil cargos for that month.

The price cap on Russian seaborne oil exports of $60 per barrel was introduced by the EU, G7 nations and Australia on December 5. It bans Western companies from providing insurance and other services to shipments of Russian oil, unless the cargo is purchased at or below the set price.

Traders familiar with the matter told Bloomberg that sales of ESPO crude above the price ceiling could mean that Russia is providing tankers and insurance itself for shipments which can be delivered from the Far East to China within days.

China, Russia’s top oil buyer, has not signed up to the price cap, with traders saying they are doing business as usual.

The only people paying the cost for this lunatic war are the subjects of the governments that are doing the war.

Russians are not facing anything close to the fallout Americans and Germans are dealing with.

Our governments continue to refuse to explain what they are doing.

Why are we at war with Russia?