Dear Jews: China is not Andrew Anglin, and they’re not Alex Jones.
You can’t just declare a media war against them, organize a social media moral panic against them, and have them silenced.
It doesn’t work that way.
Attempting to implement domestic moral shaming techniques against the Chinese government actually just makes you look pathetic and weird. I mean, the Distinguished Mr. Jones and myself both believe your moral crusades against us were pathetic and weird, but hey – they worked. You had the ability to unilaterally sanction Anglin and Jones.
But unlike Anglin and Jones, China is a global superpower. You’re going to have to do more than launch a moral shaming campaign in the media.
After weeks of badgering, China just told the US government that they don’t care about the Ukraine, and that US officials are welcome to cry about it.
Beijing maintains an “independent” stance on the Ukraine crisis, a spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry, Zhao Lijian, said during a press conference on Friday. The remark came in response to threats made by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who warned China on Thursday that Washington would “impose costs” on it should Beijing choose to support Moscow.
Lijian stated that “on the Ukraine issue, China has always acted objectively and impartially and made independent judgments based on the merits of the matter itself.”
Most Chinese statement ever?
The Chinese diplomat also stressed that pressure from Washington would not make Beijing change its stance. He added that some US officials were still trying to spread disinformation regarding China’s position – something Lijian described as irresponsible and not conducive to the resolution of the crisis.
In China’s view, the US ought to “seriously reflect on its role in the Ukraine crisis,” as well as “earnestly assume its due responsibilities.” Lijian also called on Washington to “take practical actions to ease the situation and solve the problem, rather than continue to add fuel to the fire.”
Why did you throw that revolution in the country in 2014, Jews? Then why did you encourage Jewish leaders in the Ukraine to disregard the Minsk agreements and continue to bombard Russians living in the Ukraine?
Why did you continue to send munitions to those Jewish neo-Nazi groups doing the bombarding?
Furthermore, to Lijian’s second point: why are you continuing to refuse to even discuss diplomacy, and instead shipping billions in weaponry to the Ukraine?
Lijian posted this to Twitter today:
#NATO Expansion pic.twitter.com/YiAQcvJvmR
— Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (@zlj517) March 18, 2022
A few days ago, he posted this:
"Reaping the world" with dollar hegemony? How far can the U.S. go? pic.twitter.com/oFstcrKuHZ
— Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (@zlj517) March 16, 2022
He posts consistently about the US bio warfare program.
What is the #US hiding in the biolabs in #Ukraine? pic.twitter.com/d6PUjOcBir
— Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (@zlj517) March 18, 2022
He even posts the same memes we post here.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that when the West talks about the "int'l community", they mean: pic.twitter.com/RZNOwDymX2
— Lijian Zhao 赵立坚 (@zlj517) March 17, 2022
He’s not some dumbass writer for Salon.
The government/media have this massive censorship machine domestically, which they can use to claim that Putin invaded Ukraine because he is pure evil. They can refuse to mention the fact that Putin has offered to completely withdraw the military and let Zelensky remain in power if he agrees to neutrality. But the rest of the world is not the captive audience of CNN, Fox News, and Twitter.
On Friday, US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping will hold talks via telephone, with the Ukraine crisis high on the agenda. Biden is expected to repeat warnings made earlier by Blinken regarding any possible actions China may take to “support Russia’s aggression.”
On Thursday, China’s Commerce Ministry spokesperson, Gao Feng, made it clear that China opposed “any form of unilateral sanctions that have no basis in international law.” According to the official, such punitive measures “not only fail to resolve security issues, but also harm the lives of ordinary people, disrupt global markets, and make the world’s already slowing economy even worse.”
The Chinese are officially the adults in the room, due to their autistic like ability to simply state the obvious.
The statement came hard on the heels of Jake Sullivan’s warning to China on Sunday, in which Joe Biden’s national security adviser cautioned that Beijing would “absolutely” face consequences should it help Moscow evade Western sanctions.
What do these threats even mean?
Is the US going to attempt to implement the same sanctions they’ve put against Russia on China?
How does everyone think that would work out – banning all Western import of Chinese goods?
Then, according to this new Russian model, they would have to sanction every country that continues d0 business with China, which is the whole world.
It is not hyperbolic to state that the current path of the US appears to be towards building an Iron Curtain around America and EU/NATO countries. Because these people in Washington believe they have the ability to totally dominate every country on earth with bullying – they think every country on earth is Iraq – they are setting the stage for them to be completely isolated on the world stage.
At some point, even EU/NATO countries are going to be looking for the exit, as it is clear that this ship is absolutely sinking.