Climate Cultists Around the World Perform Weird Rituals on “Earth Day”

We’ve been telling you from the beginning that this whole global warming cult overlaps directly with a satanic earth worship cult.

I think the 1990s evangelicals said a lot of stupid stuff, but this is one thing they were right about.

Of course, it’s not hard to predict – any cultlike ideology (all ideologies are cultlike) will start to take on the trappings of a religion, and without Jesus, religious trappings are always going to be pagan and satanic.


Climate change campaigners gathered outside Britain’s parliament building ahead of Earth Day to urge action on global warming, while volunteers worldwide geared up to plant trees and clear trash to mark the 54th annual celebration of the environment.

Earth Day this year, officially on Saturday, follows weeks of extreme weather with temperatures soaring to record highs in Thailand and a punishing heatwave in India, where at least 13 people died of heatstroke at a ceremony last weekend.

Activists led by the Extinction Rebellion group have gathered in London to kick off a four-day action, billed “The Big One”, to coincide with Earth Day.

About 30,000 people have signed up for family-friendly rallies and marches, marking a change in strategy for a group known for its disruptive tactics, including blocking roads, throwing paint and smashing windows.

Globally, there has been a flurry of activity in the run-up to Earth Day, with events being planned in Rome and Boston and major clean-up campaigns at Lake Dal in India’s Srinagar and Florida’s hurricane-hit Cape Coral.

In Peru, shamans on Friday made an offering to the “Pachamama”, or Mother Earth. Holding yellow flowers and rattles, the shamans walked around a papier-mache globe as they performed a cleansing ritual.

Earlier in the week, U.S. President Joe Biden pledged to increase funding to help developing countries fight climate change and curb deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest during a meeting with top world leaders.

Governments have fallen far short of pledges in the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit heating of the climate by shifting off fossil fuels, amid crises including COVID-19, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, food shortages and strained ties between China and the U.S., the top two greenhouse gas emitters.

We need to release more carbon.

It’s April and I’m frigging freezing.

I don’t think it will actually make the weather warmer, but on the possibility that it will, please – it’s cold out this bitch.

I also want bigger and juicier tomatoes, and carbon definitely will do that.

The concept of a “dissident” movement funded directly by the state was really kind of novel a few years ago. Now it is just exhausting that everyone doesn’t see it for what it is.

Maybe it is a little bit counterintuitive, but I mean, it’s not hard to understand – the government wants something unpopular done, so they organize fake “organic” movements to demand the unpopular policies.

But there is just so little ability to understand any kind of abstract or non-straightforward agenda. In the minds of the retarded masses, everything has to be exactly what it looks like, all the time.