Climate Cultists Tell People to Go Into “Wealthy” Neighborhoods and Deflate SUV Tires

You’re allowed to encourage criminal trespassing and vandalism on Twitter.

As long as you’re doing it to try to change the weather.

We have to turn the earth into a solid sheet of ice.

New York Post:

A radical environmental group is urging its followers to target “wealthy areas” and let the air out of gas-guzzling SUV tires in an effort to fight climate change.

Adbusters — which describes itself as “an international collective of artists, designers, writers, musicians, poets, punks, philosophers and wild hearts” — posted instructions on how to deflate the tires.

“Wedge gravel in the tire valves, leaflet the SUV to let them know the tires are flat and why it was done, and walk away. It’s that simple,” the group said in a tweet.

These tweets are almost a week old, and Twitter is fine with it

“If we organize, we can hit enough SUVs in particular neighborhoods to spark reporting and spread the metameme,” it added.

The group also told its followers to “start by targeting wealthy areas – our goal isn’t to disrupt workers – and avoid targeting vehicles with disabled stickers or hangers.”

It said that deflating the tires of SUVs — which are playing a large role in carbon emissions, it argued — also would “hurt the automotive industry where it hurts.”

Adbusters, whose goal is a “total reinvention of the cultural and political playbook,” argued that climate change is the “biggest crisis we’ve faced as a species, and we are failing the test at every step.”

The nonprofit insisted that “it’s time for us to carefully escalate our methods in a non-violent manner to convey the seriousness of this crisis in tangible ways.”

Adbusters did not immediately respond to a request for comment by The Post.

Some Twitter users slammed the pro-environment group for its radical tactic — arguing it is dangerous.

“Of course you are aware that if the wife doesn’t notice an intentionality partially deflated tire, gets on the highway, winds up blowing a tire from being overheated, the vehicle could easily roll,” one critic wrote.

Obviously, the tweets break Twitter’s alleged rules.

And I’m sure six million right-wingers have already reported them.

But this is allowed, because we have to transform the planet into a solid sheet of ice or else everyone is going to get swamp ass because it will be so hot out this bitch.

Swamp ass is the greatest threat facing humanity.

They’re still nowhere near this guy