Club of Rome Expects World Population to “Decline Rapidly” Soon, Says It’s Good for the Environment

If you just pay attention to what the elite say, they really admit all the things we say about the agenda:

  • They are attempting to drastically reduce the world population
  • Global warming is a hoax designed to force population reduction
  • Feminism is a scam to get people to stop breeding

The Club of Rome, an elitist “semi-secret society” similar to Bilderberg or what the World Economic Forum was before it went public, wrote in the 1970s that they were going to hoax people with global warming in order to reduce the population and eliminate the social and material gains of the middle class.

This is from Club’s 1991 book “The First Global Revolution,” a follow-up to 1972’s “Limits to Growth”:

Frankly, I agree with the globalists that most people should just die.

I just have a slightly different conception of “most people.”

The Guardian:

The long-feared “population bomb” may not go off, according to the authors of a new report that estimates that human numbers will peak lower and sooner than previously forecast.

The study, commissioned by the Club of Rome, projects that on current trends the world population will reach a high of 8.8 billion before the middle of the century, then decline rapidly. The peak could come earlier still if governments take progressive steps to raise average incomes and education levels.


Mass education and consumerism destroys the family. That’s what that means.

The new forecasts are good news for the global environment. Once the demographic bulge is overcome, pressure on nature and the climate should start to ease, along with associated social and political tensions.

But the authors caution that falling birthrates alone will not solve the planet’s environmental problems, which are already serious at the 8 billion level and are primarily caused by the excess consumption of a wealthy minority.

Previous studies have painted a grimmer picture. Last year, the UN estimated the world population would hit 9.7 billion by the middle of the century and continue to rise for several decades afterwards.

I wonder what changed?

Are people “dying suddenly”?

The new projection, released on Monday, was carried out by the Earth4All collective of leading environmental science and economic institutions, including the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Stockholm Resilience Centre and the BI Norwegian Business School. They were commissioned by the Club of Rome for a followup to its seminal Limits to Growth study more than 50 years ago.

The report is based on a new methodology which incorporates social and economic factors that have a proven impact on birthrate, such as raising education levels, particularly for women, and improving income. It sketches out two scenarios depending on the extent to which such policies are pursued.


The material world is a trap. Women are a trap.

The trap is set by Satan.