Colorado: Fat White Female Teacher Taped Children’s Mouths Shut

Everyone is going insane from the virus hoax.

And it was a really ridiculous idea to let women be around children in the first place.

I don’t even blame this stupid fat bitch.


A Colorado Springs school district has launched an investigation after a teenage girl said at least one teacher had forced her and other students to use tape to affix their face coverings so they complied with the mask mandate.

Colorado Springs’ Academy School District 20 said it would conduct a probe over allegations that some staff at Chinook Trail Middle School had taped masks to students’ faces, according to a local media report. The charge originated after photos emerged online showing one female student with a taped-on mask, who has since identified herself as ‘Rylee M.’ Both she and her mother were featured in posts by conservative activist Michelle Malkin, helping the story garner attention on social media.

“Forcing kids to tape masks to their faces is CHILD ABUSE. It’s happening in my backyard in Colorado Springs, according to one family,” Malkin wrote. “I spoke this morning with Stephanie M., mother of Rylee, a 6th grader at Chinook Trail Middle School.”

“Stephanie rushed to Chinook Trail Middle School after her daughter texted her that a teacher gave her a warning and handed her blue painter’s tape to seal the mask to her face. Rylee told her that at least one other student was also directed to do the same.”

In an audio clip circulating online, Rylee said she had been warned that she was not wearing her mask properly prior to the tape incident, and that she was given the option to apply the tape herself, or to simply “learn” to wear her mask as directed. Asked what might happen if a student declined to wear the tape, the girl said she did not know, as nobody had attempted to refuse.

Responding to the charges, a spokeswoman for the school district, Allison Cortez, said that the allegation first surfaced last Friday that “teachers were taping face masks to students’ faces,” and that other community members had since made similar claims.

“The school and Academy District 20 are now conducting an internal investigation. We are interviewing more than 100 students and staff members to better understand this situation,” Cortez said, though added that so far there had been no “concrete findings.”

Speaking with a local Fox affiliate, Rylee’s mother said the tape amounted to a “type of restraint,” raising fears this could have long-term psychological effects on still-developing minds.

Another parent, Tori Skeldum, suggested to Fox that the tape had, indeed, become a common method to enforce masking rules. “[My daughter] said the teachers were wearing the masking tape around their wrists like bracelets and whenever someone’s mask would fall down they would tape them,” Skeldum said. “It’s sad that our world is coming to this and teachers would think it is ok.”

Yeah, I mean – surely, we’re beyond the point of pretending we care about the health of children.

That ship sailed a long time ago. All of this stuff is obviously doing permanent damage to the physical and mental health of all children – and no one cares.

The coronavirus narrative is all about how 84-year-olds with cancer like Colin (pronounced “Colon”) Powell can live to be 250 years old.

That’s the official narrative – everyone has to suffer to try to save people in their 80s and 90s from getting sick from a flu virus.

It’s pretty straightforward that these people pushing this do not even pretend to care about children.

Saying “but what about what this is doing to children?” is ridiculous at this point. They do not care.

The bitch is lucky that fat cunt used masking tape instead of duct tape, frankly.

That will probably be the official statement of the school: “there’s a deadly virus and she’s lucky we didn’t use duct tape.”