Colored Boy Trevor Noah Sucked Off the Media at Journalist Terror Dinner

On Sunday night, the Jewish and terrorist American media, an organization which exists for the sole purpose of confusing and disinforming the population, not least of which by silencing dissent through threats and harassment of the public, held a dinner.

Joe Biden attended the dinner, as did the smarmy welp Trevor Noah, a colored boy from South Africa.

Noah could have lined up all of these terroristic, censorious Jews, and given them all blowjobs one by one – instead he gave them all a mass blowjob by falsely claiming that these fiends – who literally work with billionaires to silence normal people – somehow “give a voice to the voiceless.”

This is truly a shameful display.

No one even knows who Trevor Noah is, which is I guess why he’s willing to do this dirty job.

The media imagining that they are fighters for the oppressed is like Vladimir Zelensky imagining that he is Iron Man.

Watch this old Jew on CNN talking about how Jews have to “control the channels of communication.”

The media exists to serve rich Jews and their blood-sucker comrades.