Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2020

There is evil, there is pure and unadulterated evil and then there is thinking that white people do not deserve to be murdered.
Tonight’s group date on The Bachelor took Peter Weber’s suitors to Costa Rica, where the ladies were asked to pose in their bikinis for a chance to get featured on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine. Ultimately, Cosmo editor-in-chief Jessica Pels picked Victoria Fuller (who took a risk and kissed Peter during their photo shoot) as the lucky winner. But as Pels just revealed, those images won’t actually make it to the printer after all.
In a letter titled “Why We’re Not Publishing the Cosmo Bachelor Cover,” Pels explains how a controversy involving Victoria helped the staff make their decision.
“As you probably know, the details about upcoming plot points on The Bachelor are as closely guarded as nuclear codes,” she writes. “When my team and I flew down to Costa Rica for our challenge, we weren’t told who our models were going to be. We didn’t even meet them until we were all on camera on-set, ready to start our shoot.”
It wasn’t until she discovered that Victoria, 26, wore White Lives Matter merchandise in a past modeling campaign that the original offer was rescinded.
victoria f modeled for a white lives matter clothing brand she’s gotta go #TheBachelor ?
— rach against the machine (@rchlmllnd) January 7, 2020
When Peter’s season of The Bachelor began airing earlier this month, Victoria came under fire appearing in an advertisement for an apparent marlin conservation group using the phrasing and branding of the White Lives Matter efforts.
As Pels writes in her statement, “In my view, the nature of the organization is neither here nor there—both phrases and the belief systems they represent are rooted in racism and therefore problematic. Unequivocally, the White Lives Matter movement does not reflect the values of the Cosmo brand. We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, and any cause that fights to end injustices for people of color.”
Truly, there is nothing more evil than believing that white lives matter. White people deserve to die. Their lives are less than meaningless – their lives are pure evil, and if you think something else, you too are evil.
It is never okay to even joke about white people not deserving to die. Even if you are joking as part of a fish campaign, making any reference to the idea that whites deserve anything less than being brutally murdered is simply unacceptable. It also doesn’t matter if you’re just a brainless slut and did the fish campaign without ever thinking about what “white lives matter” implied. It is everyone’s responsibility to know that white lives do not matter and to claim they do matter is a grave insult to all races.
This slut can come out now and declare that she doesn’t believe that white people deserve to live, but it is too late. Once you say something like “white people shouldn’t be killed,” it’s game over for you.