Congress Scrambles to Give Israel More Money for IRON DOME Missile Defense System

Daily Slave
July 30, 2014

Congress is more concerned about the security of evil Jews in Israel than the security of America.

It seems as if the pro-Jew, pro-Israel traitors in Congress care more about securing Israel than they care about securing America.  Could it be any more obvious that the Republican and Democrat parties are both bought and paid for by the Jews?  It is absolutely insane that they would scramble to finance Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system and ignore all the other problems America has.

These people make me sick.  They should all be deported to Israel with a Star of David tattooed on their forehead.

From AP:

Democratic and Republican members of Congress scrambled Tuesday to seal a $225 million boost to Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system before they break this week for a month-long recess.

As the Gaza war escalates, Israel is proving to be among the few subjects uniting lawmakers. Members of both parties have introduced legislation backing the Jewish state, condemning the Palestinian militant group Hamas and seeking a tougher Iran policy. Iron Dome is the priority, but the House and Senate are at odds over process.