Crack-Smoking Toronto Mayor Does Not Perform Oral Sex on Office Employees

New York Post
November 15, 2013

 Mayor Rob Ford gestures during a heated meeting with Toronto city council members Thursday.
Mayor Rob Ford gestures during a heated meeting with Toronto city council members Thursday.

Toronto’s wacky crack-smoking  mayor has another confession: He didn’t try to perform oral sex  on a female staffer because he does enough of that with his wife.

At a press conference this morning, Mayor Rob Ford addressed the accusation that he tried to go down on a female staffer, one of several complaints filed against Ford in court documents released on Wednesday.

“Oh, and the last thing was Olivia Gondek, it says it says that I wanted to eat her p—y,” he told a throng of reporters on Thursday.

“I’ve never said that in my life to her. I would never do that. I’m happily married. I’ve got more than enough to eat at home. Thank you very much,” he said.

Former staffers allege Ford acted abusive and erratic in the office,  sometimes requesting staffers buy him booze on the job.

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