CUCKED: Georgian Government Drops Foreign Agent Law

Virtually every country in the world has some law where foreign agents operating in the country on behalf of a foreign entity are required to declare that they are working on behalf of a foreign entity. It’s not exactly unreasonable.

The United States has a foreign agents law called FARA.

But the United States goes into Georgia with unregistered foreign agents and declares that requiring foreign agents to register would be a violation of democracy.

Then they send their people out to riot with American flags.

It would be so much more decent if the US would just deploy troops to occupy the Georgian capital and force the government to bend to its will. But everything has to be some faggot thing with women out screaming, and the Jew media claiming that being controlled by the US is all about freedom somehow.

The Guardian:

Georgia’s ruling party has said it will drop its bill on “foreign agents” after fierce opposition culminated in two nights of violent protests and criticism that the draft law would limit press freedom and undercut the country’s efforts to become a candidate for EU membership.

Thousands had rallied against the legislation, which was regarded as an authoritarian shift and could have undercut Tbilisi’s efforts to join the EU. Protesters said the proposed “foreign agent” bill mirrors a 2012 law in Russia that has since been used to crack down on dissent and suppress western-funded NGOs and media.

The Georgian Dream party said in a statement on Thursday it would “unconditionally withdraw the bill we supported without any reservations”. It cited the need to reduce “confrontation” in society.

The previous evening hundreds of police, many carrying riot shields, used water cannon and teargas in clashes in Georgia’s capital. More than 100 protesters were arrestedduring this week’s protests.

Thousands had marched in the streets to rally against the proposed law that would require any organisations receiving more than 20% of their funding from overseas to register as “foreign agents” or face substantial fines.

Protesters carrying Georgian, EU and Ukrainian flags gathered outside the parliament building and shouted: “No to the Russian law.”

The fact that the main argument against it is that Russia has a similar law just proves why most people shouldn’t have the right to vote.

Laws should be debated on their own merits, not on who else is doing them.

If Putin wants to subvert your country, do you think he’d want a law that makes it harder for him to fund his guys over there?

Note that no single media outlet is mentioning that the US has the same law.

Democracy has failed. Period. This is not working. It’s a Jewish racket.

Demonstrators also blocked the city’s central Rustaveli Avenue, after a call from the main opposition party, the United National Movement, to gather there.

The EU delegation to Georgia welcomed the announcement, saying it wanted to “encourage all political leaders in Georgia to resume pro-EU reforms, in an inclusive and constructive way”.

The EU is considering Georgia’s application for candidate status. Previously, the European Council president, Charles Michel, warned that the adoption of the so-called foreign agent bill “was not compatible with the EU path”.

Despite the bill withdrawal announcement, members of the Georgian opposition said they would stage a new rally on Thursday evening.

“There will be a rally today … we need to get clarity on how the governments intend to recall the bill because their statements are vague,” said Tsotne Koberidze, a member of the opposition.

The opposition has also urged the authorities to release all the protesters that were detained during this week’s protests.

On Thursday evening, a crowd of several thousand people gathered in central Tbilisi.

Soon after, the Georgian ministry of interior said it had released all 133 people detained by police during the rallies, an announcement which was greeted with cheers by the demonstrators.

It was not immediately clear if the opposition would call for further protests.

Some present said they would like to continue to protest about what they said was a shift in an authoritarian, pro-Russian direction.

“I will keep on going to the rallies, we cannot stop now,” one protester saidy. “This is our big chance to end all ties with Russia. We want to be with the EU.”

Anti-Russian feeling is common in Georgia – once part of the Soviet Union – because of longstanding Russian support for two separatist regions and a brief Russian invasion of the country in 2008. Many Georgians back Ukraine in its war against Russia and the latest polls show 85% of Georgians support EU membership.

Speaking on Wednesday evening, Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, called for “democratic success” in Georgia.

“There is no Ukrainian who would not wish success to our friendly Georgia. Democratic success. European success,” he said.

“We want to be in the European Union and we will be there. We want Georgia to be in the European Union, and I am sure it will be there. We want Moldova to be in the European Union, and I am sure it will be there. All free nations of Europe deserve this.”

Who wants this, other than women and retarded faggot university students who want to be trendy?

What is the point of it?

Georgia is a nice country. This is not like when Poland cozied up to the West after the fall of communism when they were living in a shithole and looking to trade hookers for investment programs.

Since the Ukraine broke off from Russian influence in 2014, the country has gotten poorer.

There is no economic argument, there is no argument of opportunities – the only arguments are about gay sex.

This is what Georgians say they want