Daily Stormer Report: Month Ten

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 4, 2014

Burn on.
Burn on.

It’s time again for a monthly update on the happenings of the Daily Stormer.

We missed the report last month, when we would have been old enough to have birthed a child.

Now, we would have already named the child and had it blessed by a priest.

...or swallowed by a giant snake.
…or swallowed by a giant snake.

So, we move forward.

Here are the numbers.

The numbers.
The numbers.

This places us, very solidly, as the top Antisemitic, Pro-White English-language news source in the world, and one of the top alternative news sites in the world, period.  We are also the second most popular Antisemitic, pro-White English language site of any sort, second only to Stormfront.

I post these numbers not to brag, because really, without the support of the reader and the people who work with me on this site, it would not be possible to continue to rise in popularity at this rate.  This has nothing to do with my ego, as I could be making a secure living doing other things.  I do this for the people, only.

told you so truth

I post the numbers to show that this message, the one promoted on the Daily Stormer, is a popular one, one which people have been waiting for.  And it is not even my message.  We have simply picked up where others, who have come before, have already walked.  The message is simple and uncongested, keeping to the undisputed facts, pressing them over and over again, daily.

What I will take credit for is dispelling the modern (mostly American) myth that the message needs to be dumbed down and softened in order to be made appealing to millions of people.  The soft approach hasn’t worked and won’t ever, and so this hardcore approach is necessary, and it is what the people want.

Lemme get your number.
Lemme get your number?

The Narrative

We here at the Daily Stormer are constantly refining an already simple narrative, to make it as moving and inspirational as possible.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the fact that so much of what I write is as a negative – statements against things.  I of course enjoy this, feel it is necessary, and it fits well with my personality, but I am thankful that other writers here, such as Clement, Sven and Marcus, are able to approach things from a more positive angle.

The purpose of the site is to both inform and inspire the people, while directly confronting very uncomfortable material.  I try to use humor as much as possible to lighten things up, but still have had the nagging feeling that I could be doing more to promote a positive message.

I am interested to hear the readers’ thoughts on this matter.



We are always looking for original material to publish, so if the reader feels he has something to contribute, please contact me.

We are not looking only for hardcore racist Jew-hating materials, but also pieces on any other topics which would be of interest to the people.  In particular, I would like to boost the health and history sections.

We also need more science info.
We also need more science info.

I am also very keen on getting more material from nationalists across Europe and the diaspora, giving updates on the progress being made.  We have many readers from everywhere in the White world, and this should be a place where we can share in the struggle and support one another.  If you are not totally comfortable with English, I can of course edit your work for you.

And of course, the short news items with quoting and commentary are always useful.

Let me know.


I need to make asking for donations a weekly thing, and keep meaning to, but generally just don’t feel like it.  Still, it is necessary.

My humble abode.
My humble abode.

I keep my expenses as low as possible, living very simply, but still have expenses.  In order for me to keep working on the site full-time, I require reader support.  So please, if you can help, do so. If you cannot help, don’t worry about it.

There is a spot in the top right of the page where you can donate through PayPal one time, or sign up for a monthly donation amount.  Both are good options.

Here is a button:


You can also send cash or a check to this address:

Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio

Expansion of the Bases

I plan to continue to do more and expand the operation.

Presently, I am doing a weekly radio show with Sven, which has been quite enjoyable for the two of us, and I hope also for the people.

Organize, spread, move forward.
Organize, spread, move forward.

I am interested in doing more of this, and would also be willing to host shows of anyone who would like to put on their own.  I do not presently have the capacity to do live radio, but there isn’t much point in live radio anyway, that I can see.  Most people prefer to download it and listen at their pleasure.

Audio/Video is highly important though, as it has the capacity to reach many more people than text, given our stimulation-obsessed society (as well as probably something which just has to do with basic human nature).

I might start a YouTube channel.  People seemed to enjoy my speech.

That’s All


Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin