Danish Government Releases Report on Threatening “Extremist” Groups

Daily Stormer
September 14, 2014

Denmark for the Danish!
Denmark for the Danish!

The Danish National Center for Social Research recently released a report compiling intelligence on evil extremists who want to bring down the system. The report covered 15 “anti-democratic and extremist groups” which represented political and religious organizations.

“There are three extremist milieus in Denmark with a total of 15 groups that are either radical right-wing, radical left-wing or Islamic,” a press release accompanying the report explained. Six of the groups are categorised as radical right-wing, four as radical left-wing and five as Islamist (see fact box).

Links to biker gangs

“All of the groups deny criminal activity or violence. But there are individuals involved with the milieus who use criminal and violent methods. For example, there are radical left-wing people who are ready to engage in conflict with the police. In the Islamist and right-wing radical milieus there are particular problems regarding biker gangs,” the press release continued.

The report highlights differences in the demographics and recruitment tactics of the different types of group.


The far-right recruits are found to be mainly men and recruited through personal relations and the internet. The Islamist groups are similarly mainly male and also recruited through personal relations and networks. On the other hand, far-left organisations have a more even gender balance and recruitment is mostly via social events such as parties, concerts and demonstrations.

Here are the groups the report listed:

Extremist groups in Denmark

Islamist groups:

Hizb ut-Tahrir
Kaldet til Islam
Muslimsk Ungdomscenter

Radical right-wing groups:

Danmarks Nationale Front
Danish Defence League
Right Wings
Dansk National Socialistisk Bevægelse
Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark
Bevægelsen Frit Danmark – Folkebevægelsen mod Indvandringen

Radical left-wing groups:

Antifascistisk Aktion
Antifascistisk Netværk
Libertære Socialister