David French is Less of a Pussy Than Stefan Molyneux

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 22, 2017

David French of the National Review – a chinless man I and others have ruthlessly mocked as a cuckold, a man with literal cuckold raising some Alpha male African’s bastard child – has explicitly named the Daily Stormer’s shutdown as signaling the death of the internet.

National Review:

Last week, multiple major Internet corporations essentially cooperated to kick a hate site, The Daily Stormer, off the Internet. Cloudflare, GoDaddy, Google, and various other companies withdrew their services, and now one of the Internet’s most odious sites lives mainly on the “dark web,” largely inaccessible to the casual user.

This was an ominous development for free speech — and not because there is anything at all valuable about The Daily Stormer’s message. It’s an evil site. Its message is vile. Instead, The Daily Stormer’s demise is a reminder that a few major corporations now have far more power than the government to regulate and restrict free speech, and they’re hardly neutral or unbiased actors. They have a point of view, and they’re under immense pressure to use that point of view to influence public debate.

It’s a simple reality that the lines of Internet communication are in progressive political hands, these progressive corporations look to left-wing activists to define hate, and a large number of leftists believe to the core of their beings that “hateful” speech should be censored and suppressed whenever possible.

For example, just this week ProPublica, a respected journalism outlet, decided to study “how leading tech companies monetize hate.” The article begins by highlighting not the Klan or a white-supremacist militia but instead Jihadwatch.org. And how did it choose Jihad Watch? It relied on the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group that is notorious for supplementing its lists of white-supremacist hate groups with its own ideological enemies list, one that a university radical would love.

And then blah blah blah – you know the story, because I’ve said the story here already, repeatedly.

tl;dr is: by banning me from the internet they have set a precedent to ban anyone at all. French notes that the SPLC just puts any Christian group that doesn’t believe in anal marriage on their “hate list,” and that all of those groups will be subject to censure in the near future.

And yes, he does call me evil and so on – of course – but it doesn’t matter. He names DS and implies that we all have to rally around this site or the battle is lost.

Because if they succeed once, then they can do it again. And again. And again.

And I want to tell you: this is more than what Stefan Molyneux has done. It is more than what Alex Jones has done. Apparently, because they are airquotes “Libertarians” and believe in the idea that monopolies should be able to shut down anything they want to shut down just as long as it’s private companies doing it.

And if I don’t like it, I should start my own internet.

Of Course, No One Can Start Their Own Internet

It is impossible to start your own internet. I don’t even know what that means. What is the concept of that? How would one go about starting one’s own internet?

This is simply nonsensical, and if Molyneux and Jones are making this argument – and by not rallying around me, they are making that argument – then they are even goofier than I thought.

But this is coming for them too. Before it comes for the Christians, it is coming for them. And then we’ll see how they do trying to make their own internet.

The Daily Stormer can thrive on the Darknet. I can handle that. I am now the IRL Emmanuel Goldstein. My followers will come to me, because my followers are the dedicated frontline resistance.

That won’t happen for Molyneux and Jones. They aren’t that important to anyone. They aren’t real resistance, just bubblegum resistance, and when they disappear from the normal internet, their followers will be happy to watch Fox News instead. That is the fact.

Others Better Than Molyneux and AJ

Tim Pool has defended me.

As has BASED Black Guy

But the supposed guardians of free speech have not.

I’m maybe most surprised by Sargon’s silence.

Just to be clear – I have no problem with “he is a ebil Nazi tho but still tho.”

What French said is fine.

We just need everyone doing that, we need everyone flipping out and demanding that ICANN get me back online.

Because you are all next.