Defining New American Slogan: “We’ve Entered a New Phase of Our Recovery”

Janet Yellen, a Jew woman tasked with making bizarre statements on behalf of the US government, has claimed that the news of a recession means that “we’ve entered a new phase in our recovery.”

I have a short memory, and I can’t remember what we’re recovering from.

Are we still recovering from the death of George Floyd?

I bounced back from that one pretty quick, but I know some people had a hard time with it.

This is one of my favorite tweets in a while:

Tweeting was sort of the last true art form, and then they banned everyone.

Props to whoever is running the @POTUS Twitter account and making videos mocking his senility.

Speaking of lying Jews and their various swindles, have you noticed Jon “Stewart” Leibowitz has been appearing lately pretending to believe the goyim are human (Jewish people do not believe non-Jews are human, and they refer to them as “goyim,” which means “subhuman chattel”)?

That is that soyface DNC account attacking him for making a Hunter Biden joke, which you’re apparently not allowed to do. He also made a big deal of spreading the false rumor that the coronavirus exists and it is a Chinese bioweapon (it is actually the flu, they just changed the name). It’s always some kind of “oh but I love the goyim” thing.

This whole thing with the vets is kind of like Live AID to save Africa or something.

It’s low-hanging fruit, insofar as social signaling goes. It’s something that appeals to Republicans, obviously.

What are the odds they throw him out there in 2024?

They might want to sort of roll things back a little bit in terms of the “just put all Republicans in prison for terrorism” rhetoric of the Biden era.

You think they might try to use someone like Leibowitz instead of doubling down with Gavin Newsom?

I’m seriously asking the audience, because if I can call the president this early, I can make some serious money on a betting site I use. I’m already going to make a significant amount of money betting against Biden being the 2024 nominee, because delusional Democrats are trying to bolster their own beliefs by wasting money – they are seriously going out and placing bets that Biden will be the nominee. Someone is placing these bets.

During this economic depression and impending total collapse phase of our recovery, a lot of people are going to be relying on alcohol. But don’t forget about alcohol’s best friend: gambling.

You could also just like, move out to a cabin in Montana and stop using the internet.

But moving to a cabin in Montana and quitting the internet was always already an option. No one did it because they were trying to get laid instead of take in the fresh air and relax and stop thinking about how everyone is completely doomed.

Whatever the future holds: “We’ve Entered a New Phase of Our Recovery” is now the official slogan of America. Whenever the next worst thing yet happens: We’ve entered a new phase of our recovery.

I’ve already started using this in my personal life.

[I was going to make an edgy domestic violence joke but I’m too tired. I’m thinking of doing the Montana cabin thing. But I won’t. If you do it, don’t forget I was the one who recommended it. If you become a drunken gambler down to your last cent, please remember I told you what would happen if you didn’t move to a cabin in Montana. You will never be a genetically-modified immortal cyborg.]