Diamonds, Nigga – Get Dat Shit

That tweet is the entire news story.

I almost want to believe that these are white people, and that whites are finally taking advantage of this situation of lawlessness to benefit themselves. At this point, I don’t think you could blame whites for not feeling that they owe this society anything at all, and therefore being willing to take whatever they can get from it.

However, the basic fact of reality is that white people are fully domesticated, and kind of always have been. Aside from IQ, this is how whites were able to build a civilization – they cooperate with one another and have faith in authority and institutions.

There is almost no chance at all that this robbery was done by whites.

Obviously, I don’t support crime, as a rule. Even now, I don’t support it. However, if whites did start committing crimes, taking advantage of the lawlessness and showing that they are fed up with submitting to this system that is trying to destroy them, I would consider it a good omen.

But I think for the most part, white people are going to go down with the ship, believing that it isn’t possible for organized systems of authority to ever be wrong.

Earlier today, I posted a comment that I received on the Gamer Uprising forum of a reader of the site smugly chuckling at the idea that the government was going to ever go any further with the virus agenda than they’ve gone as of mid-November 2021. I’m frustrated by that, and I feel a great sadness. It is meaningfully symbolic of the downfall of the white man – trust in institutions is so fundamental that it overrides obvious, visible realities.

Every months, this hoax has gotten more nonsensical and more abusive. Every month, they’ve taken more from us. And every time some new abuse was introduced, whites assumed that this was the end, and soon everything would go back to normal.

Computing Forever (Dave Cullen), an Irishman who had some number of millions of subscribers on YouTube before getting kicked off, is currently one of my favorite commenters. He now posts his videos on BitChute. In many ways, I would say that he is the person who most lines up with my own views on basically everything.

Many years ago, I watched some of his anti-SJW videos complaining about vaginal supremacy in science fiction. Then, about a year ago – well into the coronavirus hoax – I ran across his Bitchute channel, and was delighted to find he’d come to basically all of the same conclusions I’d come to. I don’t know him personally, so I don’t know if he’d been reading my site, but he showed his work, so even if he does read this site he wasn’t just copying me. He was using things that were happening specifically in Ireland to reach all of the same conclusions I’d reached. There were enough different pieces of information he’d used to reach the same conclusions that even if he’d read my conclusions, he’d worked it out using different data sets.

As refreshing as it was to find someone who had independently come to the same conclusions I’d reached, all the way down to specifics, finding Dave’s channel was also kind of depressing, as he goes into detail about what is happening in Ireland. He basically says that the Irish are weaker than even Londoners. It is an entire nation that is submitting.

He analyzes the collective psychology of the Irish a lot, and comes to the conclusion that they have low self-esteem, feeling like they are looked down on by the rest of Europe, and that this is why they submit so entirely to a virus hoax that is emanating from the Jewnited Snakes.

I’m not super in the know about the ins and outs of the national and ethnic relationships in Northern Europe, but I do know the history. I think it’s a complicated history, which goes back to the English Civil War and the Oliver Cromwell agenda to destroy traditional Christendom in the name of Jewish merchants from Amsterdam. If you look at this history, it is difficult not to come to the conclusion that the Protestant Reformation was the single worst thing that has ever happened in all of human history, and that the Irish were on the right side of that as a result of spiritual fortitude along with a rebellious disposition that meant they were not inclined to being bullied.

Then of course they spent centuries after that destructive revolution fighting back against what they ultimately viewed as foreign rule. Eventually, they “won” their “independence” (that is also complicated).

The only negative thing I knew about the Irish is that they tend to whine about how they’ve been abused, which is something I simply cannot have any respect for. You see this both among Ireland Irish, as well as among the East Coast Irish in America. (Obviously, not all Irish do that, but it is enough of them that it is a group trait.) That said, whining about being abused might be a negative trait, but it doesn’t obviously imply submissiveness to a foreign agenda. These people fought for independence from the British, then they totally rolled over to globalism? Why?

I’ve often looked around at the submissiveness of most Americans, and attributed my own rebellion against this system to my largely Irish genetic background. So it was very sad to find that the Irish have submitted in such an extreme way, to the point where they are among the most vaxed out in Europe.

Computing Forever talks about how resistance is going to have to come from outside Ireland, because the Irish will need permission from other countries before they feel comfortable rising up. But being an American, I can tell you: the uprising is not coming from America.

It’s necessary to mention that Conor McGregor, the most famous Irishman, this week declared that he’d had enough of this bullshit.

But if anyone won’t be willing to actually risk anything, it is Conor McGregor. This guy does BLACKED BDSM porno. He’ll backtrack as soon as someone gives him a call and tells him resisting this will cost him money.

Haha! I just went to fetch the tweets and he’s already deleted them. Guess I called that one!

Now, we’re even seeing Russia completely submitting to this agenda.

This is the conclusion: there isn’t going to be an uprising. The overwhelming majority of people in every white country are going to go along with this hoax, because white people are wired for cooperation above all.

The resistance is only going to come from us: all of you, people across the entire white world, who are unwilling to sacrifice their personal freedom, their bodies, their identity, and their autonomy to an evil system.

The resistance will be bigger than just the readers of this website, but I don’t know how much bigger. When this mandate comes in fully, life is going to be nearly impossible for the pureblooded, and most are going to submit. It is only those with a spiritual outlook and a long view on this system and this agenda that are going to be capable of resisting, and even most of those are going to crack.

Those behind this agenda have exploited our weaknesses to destroy us, and it is mostly going to work, because most white people are already materialistic, decadent, and selfish. “I can’t lose my job, bro” is going to be an excuse for a lot of people who had previously played a game where they imagined themselves brave or masculine.

For those of us who will resist, we simply need to follow one rule: just do the right thing, without considering the consequences. 

If you consider the consequences for doing what’s right, you’ve already lost. You have to believe that this life is only a tiny part of who you are, and that eternity awaits you.