Ellen DeGeneres Says People Need to Please “Mother Nature” to Prevent Natural Disasters

Whoops, it’s raining – better join paganism.

New York Post:

A California community that’s home to numerous celebrities — including Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Oprah Winfrey, and Ellen DeGeneres — was placed under an evacuation order Monday as a powerful storm battered the region.

A local fire protection district in Santa Barbara County called for the evacuation of Montecito, as the affluent seaside community faces flooding and mudslides in the latest of a series of storms to hit the Golden State.

DeGeneres, in a video she tweeted out Monday, said she was only required to shelter-in-place because she is on higher ground. She showed raging floodwaters pouring down a creek that she says usually never flows.

We need to be nicer to Mother Nature because Mother Nature’s not happy with us,” the comedian and TV host said. “Let’s all do our part. Stay safe everybody.”

They now just do casual paganism against you, and everyone thinks it’s normal.

Maybe she should wonder if she didn’t make GOD unhappy? God knows how to cause floods, and if Prince Harry was there in the middle of his weird nonsense, we should wonder.

But hey – maybe it’s just a flood, as has happened all throughout time?

I’ve been saying from the beginning: global warming is a paganist cult designed to normalize a new satanic religion.

Jews believe in various demons that they worship, and several of them are associated with “mother nature.”

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