Emperor Trump Defends the Rights of the People of Crimea!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2016

trump putin

Trump just keeps hitting all of our issues.

Left and right.

Is there anyone who could argue at this point he isn’t a reader of The Daily Stormer.


Senior current and former officials in Ukraine were outraged with US presidential candidate Donald Trump, who called their country “a mess” and said the people of Crimea would rather be with Russia than with Ukraine.

In an interview broadcast Sunday on ABC’s ‘This Week’, Trump said he would look into how Crimea broke away from Ukraine after a 2013 armed coup and voted in a referendum to rejoin Russia. The current US administration does not recognize the referendum and brands the move an annexation by Russia.

“The people of Crimea, from what I’ve heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were. And you have to look at that also,” Trump said.

He went on to criticize the Obama administration, saying the political crisis in Ukraine happened under the Democrat president’s watch.

“As far as Ukraine is concerned, it’s a mess. And that was under the Obama administration with his strong ties to NATO… Don’t blame Donald Trump for that,” he said.

“I will do better and yet we will have better relationship with Russia – maybe. And having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing.”

Trump says that the US and Russia should join forces to fight terrorism. He also demanded that all NATO members follow the alliance’s defense spending rules the way the US does, threatening to reconsider America’s collective defense commitments otherwise. Critics accuse Trump of bowing down to Russian President Vladimir Putin and betraying America’s allies.

The JEW declared these allies!

Turkey is not and should never be our ally. As far as former Soviet states – what obligation do we have to send our people to die for the sovereignty of Estonia?

What on earth does that have to do with America?

How is the life of any single American affected by a Russian annexation of territories which were a part of the Russian empire for centuries?

russian empire

Seriously – the direct analog here would be Russia invading the US because they declared independence from Britain.

Would that make sense to anyone?

It is clearly insane to suggest Putin is planning to invade the Baltics, but even if he was – why is that my problem? Have we learned absolutely nothing from George Bush’s “world police” experiment?

Here’s the full Trump interview on This Week where he made the statements.