EU Countries Agree to Give the Ukraine Profits from Russia’s Frozen Assets

Free money is one of the best things you can get.

Free money is right up there with a tattoo of a wizard fighting a dragon in terms of the best things to get.

The nutty thing is that not only did the EU promise the Ukraine all of this free money stolen from Russians, they also said they are going to use stolen Russian tattoo ink to give every Ukrainian a full back tattoo of a wizard fighting a dragon.

I wish I was Ukrainian. The EU never gave me shit other than a criminal warrant for Holocaust denial.


European Union countries announced on Tuesday that they have reached an agreement to use the profits earned from frozen Russian assets to provide military support to Ukraine and help rebuild the war-torn country.

The 27-nation EU is holding around 210 billion euros ($225 billion) in Russian central bank assets, most of it frozen in Belgium, in retaliation for Moscow’s war against Ukraine. It estimates that the interest on that money could provide around 3 billion euros ($3.3 billion) each year.

Ukraine is desperate to obtain weapons and ammunition as Russia presses its military advantage.

Wait, Russia has a military advantage?

I thought the Ukraine had already won the war?

Were all those people lying?

Who would go on the internet and just lie like that?

Janet Yellen thinks this is a good idea, so it obviously is