EU Creating Massive Facial Recognition Database, Will Link with US

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 22, 2020


We are so doomed!


The EU is laying the groundwork for a massive international facial recognition database that may someday hook into the one maintained by the US, according to leaked internal documents.

National police forces of ten EU member states are calling for a legal framework to create a massive system of interlinked facial recognition databases “as quickly as possible,” reveals a report leaked to the Intercept on Friday. Austria is leading the way on the project, which was still in its early phases as of November, when the report initially circulated among EU officials.

Produced as part of a project to expand Prüm, the EU-wide database-cross-referencing system that already allows for all-at-once scanning of individual DNA, fingerprint, and vehicle registration databases, the report calls for EU legislation that would create and connect country-level facial recognition databases, potentially all the way to the US. Because the US already has a Prüm-like exchange in place with countries that are part of the Visa Waiver Program, including most EU member states, some – including the alarmed EU official who allegedly leaked the report to the Intercept – believe any future facial recognition database network would include the US by default.

Brussels is pouring significant resources into plotting out this layer of the surveillance state, involving both private and public sector. Consulting firm Deloitte was paid €700,000 last year to deliver a report on upgrades to Prüm, focusing in part on facial recognition, while a €500,000 initiative bankrolled by the European Commission engaged a group of public agencies to “map the current situation of facial recognition in criminal investigations in all EU member states” with the goal of moving “towards the possible exchange of facial data.”

In April 2019, legislation merged five EU databases holding fingerprints, facial scans, and other biometric data to create a single repository of information on some 300 million non-EU citizens. While Deloitte recommended the EU do the same with police facial recognition databases in its November report, law enforcement officials apparently balked. However, linking the various countries’ facial scan databases with a Prum-like cross-check system would ultimately have the same privacy repercussions as merging them.

Because the US Department of Homeland Security has required participants in the Visa Waiver Program to adopt data-sharing agreements ever since 2015, any facial recognition databases constructed going forward would presumably have their contents shareable with the US. This has been something the US has pursued in Brussels since at least 2001, when Washington negotiated a pair of agreements to share both analytical and personal data between Europol and US law enforcement agencies; however, Europol’s inability to collect the data itself meant it was dependent on what was supplied by member states. A facial recognition database in every nation, hooked into a central data-sharing network, creates an enviable transatlantic trough at which everyone’s law enforcement can feed.

The rollout of facial recognition in Europe hasn’t been smooth, however. Efforts to deploy it as a policing tool in Scotland were placed on hold earlier this month, after a parliamentary committee concluded human rights concerns made it unfeasible. A pilot program in London is expected to begin this month, despite harsh criticism from civil liberties groups, after an earlier program was declared a failure last January.

Well, they gotta do it in London. What with all those stabbings and terrorist attacks. There is no possible solution to endless stabbings and terrorist attacks other than an Orwellian total control grid.

What this literally means is that they are creating a system where every single camera on the street across the entire planet will be linked to a single database, so they can track the movements of everyone on earth in real time.

5G will ensure that there is no lag.

You will literally be a moving dot at all times on the computer screens of every law enforcement office in the Western world.

Maybe abandoning the personal liberty concepts of the Enlightenment wasn’t such a good idea, huh?

Maybe you should have let me keep my website?

I guess you’ll all know soon enough if it was worth it.

Personally, I don’t really believe that this Jewish utopia will ever come to fruition. Or rather it probably will briefly, and then it will quickly collapse.

But it’s going to be a helluva thing getting to that point.

Lemme tell ya.

I’ll just be over here writing it all down.