EU Now Burning Coal to Cope with Self-Inflicted Lack of Russian Gas, Risking Total Climate Apocalypse

There are no guiding values or principles.

We had to ban coal because of the weather, but now we have to bring it back to stop Russian human rights abuses.

We were blockading and threatening to invade Venezuela, actually going so far as to declare some random guy the real president of the country, but now because we need oil, we’re making friends with their evil anti-democracy dictator. Same with Iran – we were threatening them with war for decades, now we’re saying “it’s cool just sell us oil.”

It’s just all lies upon lies upon lies.


The European Union will temporarily shift back to coal to cope with dwindling Russian gas flows without derailing longer term climate goals, an EU official said on Wednesday as a tight gas market and soaring prices set off a race for alternative fuels.

European leaders have rounded on Russia as flows through its Nord Stream 1 pipeline were cut to just 40% of capacity, deepening an energy standoff after the invasion of Ukraine prompted Europe to impose tough sanctions on Moscow.

To cope with gas shortfalls, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said Europe must replace Russian energy supplies while boosting efficiency and renewables, including nuclear power.

In a statement to Reuters, IEA chief Fatih Birol warned Russia might continue to find excuses to cut supplies or halt them altogether as winter approached. Russia has denied that its supply cuts are premeditated.

Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands have signalled that coal-fired power plants could plug supply gaps, even as Germany gears up to host a Group of Seven summit having reaffirmed a commitment to ambitious climate change goals.

Europe will temporarily pursue fossil fuel alternatives to Russian gas in light of President Vladimir Putin’s actions, a senior European Commission official said.

“The unlawful invasion by Russia of Ukraine has resulted in an emergency situation in the EU,” Elina Bardram, acting director for International Affairs and Climate Finance at the European Commission, told the Africa Energy Forum in Brussels.

“With the very rogue moves we are observing from the Putin administration in terms of Gazprom lowering the flow very suddenly, we are doing some very important measures, but all of those measures are temporary,” she added.

The measures would be phased out as soon as possible as the EU is determined to stick to its climate goals, she said.

The EU’s 2030 and 2050 targets remain fully intact … while we may temporarily increase our use of coal, the long term direction is clear,” added Bardram, who headed the European Commission’s delegation to the 2015 Paris Climate talks.

Europe is scrambling to fill winter gas storage – now at 55% – as it fears further disruptions in supply from Russia, which has already cut off some customers.

Shoring up ageing nuclear infrastructure might provide a respite to high power prices and tight supplies, the IEA said.

Yeah, bring back nuclear too, which was all banned because Japan built a reactor in an earthquake zone. Nuclear doesn’t even change the weather, according to them, but they banned it anyway – despite the fact that there are no earthquakes in Germany, which proves that attacks on fossil fuels were never really about changing the weather.

This was always about deindustrialization and population control. The first population control ideologist Thomas Malthus himself said that outright killing people was impractical, so you just drastically reduce their quality of life to shorten their lifespans and prevent them from breeding. He was writing in the 18th century, before industrialization, so he was talking about forcing people to live in swamps. Forcing them to live in tiny apartments and eat bugs is much worse than #SwampLife.

Anyway, yeah – they overshot the mark on the Russian sanctions and sped up their own deindustrialization program beyond what they could handle. Meanwhile, they’ve massively boosted the Russian economy by driving up global energy prices.

It’s starting to get weird.