Europe: Climate Cultists Occupy Schools and Universities to Protest Hamburgers, Cars

I’ve still yet to meet a person who is legitimately concerned about global warming.

I have heard it mentioned, and I throw out the basic talking points about the fact we’re at the end of an ice age, the sun being the prime driver of temperature change, and water vapor making up the overwhelming majority of greenhouse gasses. No one pushes back. I’ve never seen anyone push back.

This is not an issue that anyone feels strongly about, which is why they astroturf it with literal retards and traumatized schoolchildren.

It appears to be almost exclusively women (shocking, I know).

The Guardian:

A wave of student occupations has shut down schools and universities across Europe as part of a renewed youth protest campaign against inaction on climate breakdown. Twenty-two schools and universities across the continent have been occupied as part of a proposed month-long campaign.

In Germany, universities were occupied in Wolfenbüttel, Magdeburg, Münster, Bielefeld, Regensburg, Bremen and Berlin. In Spain, students in occupation at the Autonomous University of Barcelona organised teach-outs on the climate crisis. In Belgium, 40 students occupied the University of Ghent. In the Czech Republic, about 100 students camped outside the ministry of trade and industry. In the UK occupations were under way at the universities of Leeds, Exeter and Falmouth.

Saving the future is as easy as not having kids and transferring all power to billionaires

The most radical actions were taking place in Lisbon, Portugal, where youngsters occupied seven schools and two universities. On Thursday, occupying pupils forced one high school to remain closed for a third day, while students at the University of Lisbon’s faculty of humanities barricaded themselves in the dean’s office.

Young people also stopped traffic in the Portuguese capital with street blockades in solidarity with the occupations. The radical action comes despite harsh responses from teachers at one school who called police to evict pupils who began occupations last week.

The blockades and occupations are part of an extended campaign under the banner “End Fossil: Occupy!”, which aims to build on and escalate the youth climate strike movement that was previously at its strongest during 2019’s mass climate mobilisations.

The fact that the narrative is now “end all fossil fuels by 2030” means that the narrative is becoming purposefully stupider. That doesn’t even make any sense. Hundreds of millions of people would die.

Of course, teenage girls don’t know or care about that. Women just repeat slogans from authorities. They don’t actually have an ability to process information.

Somehow, it’s also about racism.

Activists occupy a lecture hall in Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg. The banner in the auditorium of Otto-von-Guericke University reads: ‘Anti-racism in the lecture halls.’

The incredible thing is that while these people are ostensibly protesting government policy, the NGOs that organize these events are directly funded by the government.

Governments deciding they want to take extremely unpopular actions, then implementing programs to fund astroturfed political movements to demand they take these extremely unpopular actions, is pretty clever.

It’s also weird that the paper trail is there for anyone to see and no one ever comments on it.