Europeans Using Less Heating and Setting Temperature Lower Because of Energy Crisis

Americans have no idea what is happening in Europe.

The whole thing is in the process of collapsing.

The US media isn’t talking about it, so it might as well not be happening at all.


Europeans have dialled down their heating this winter, apparently heeding government calls to conserve energy amid the Ukraine crisis, with some delaying switching it on by almost a month and setting the temperature lower, data shows.

The data, from hundreds of thousands of smart thermometers installed in households across the continent by Munich-based company Tado, shows that as temperatures dropped, households responded to dire warnings about higher heating costs.

People and businesses across Europe are increasing their use of such smart thermometers to keep an eye on how much gas they are using. These are sometimes linked to an energy provider’s tariff structure to smooth demand and reduce peak costs. Germany has made them obligatory in newbuilds.

In the winter of 2021-22, the proportion of homes with heating switched on across Europe passed 90% on November 28. In the previous three years, that threshold was passed weeks earlier, on November 7, 12, and 5 respectively, according to data from Tado, which is one of many companies active in the fast growing smart thermometer market.

German public authorities reduced temperatures in their offices to a chilly 19 degrees. At the university in Frankfurt an der Oder on the Polish border, staff were issued with blankets to wrap themselves in.

Tado’s data shows how households also cut back.

Home heating settings averaged almost a degree lower this winter than in previous years, based on the data.

The European Union imports 80% of its gas and gas represents 22% of Europe’s energy consumption and meets 32% of households’ energy needs, according to the EU.

Americans blew up Germany’s pipeline right in front of them and then stood there like “what? What are you gonna do?”

The fact that Germans will take that means they will take anything.

The French are getting pissed, but what are they going to do? They still have the top globalist in charge of their country.