Evil Jew Terrorist Ben Shapiro Defends Self Against Pro-Trump Nazis

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2016

The greasy Jew Ben Shapiro crawled out of the shadows of the damp cave he lurks in to appear in front of a webcam for the “Louder with Crowder” YouTube show.

Crowder is a cuckservative fagboy who claims not to be a Jew.

Ben Shapiro is a kikeservative who writes for Brietbart (“Kikebart”) and runs the website Truth Revolt (“The Great Revolt“).

The two cultural terrorists – both of whom claim to be right wing – attacked Hitler, Donald Trump and brigades of internet Hitler-lovers who support Donald Trump.

The discussion is extremely uncomfortable. Shapiro lies and claims he’s unbothered by being identified as an alien parasite. Crowder gives the reach-around like “yeah HAHAHAHAHA why would anyone ever believe Jews have an agenda HAHAHAHAHAHA.”

They even go so far as to claim Hitler wasn’t right-wing. This is after Shapiro defines right-wing as being against tariffs on trade and for “small government.”

Regrettably, no one cares about this gibberish anymore, Jew. People care about real right-wing issues, such as stopping the faggots, trannies and feminists, building a wall and removing kebab.

This jig just popped.

Cat is bagless.

The veil is coming off.

These Jews are being forced into the open.

And the light burns their skin.