False Flag Update: US Sending Chemical Weapons Protection to the Ukraine

It was easy to read the headline as though the US is sending chemical weapons to the Ukraine, since Joe Biden said he would use chemical weapons against Russia.


But no – this is chemical weapons protection, as the US continues to set the stage for a Syria-type false flag.


The US is bracing for the possibility that Russia might use chemical or biological weapons against Ukraine, providing equipment and supplies that could be used to save lives after such an attack, White House press secretary Jen Psaki has confirmed.  

Psaki disclosed the aid effort on Friday, without giving details on the gear that’s being sent to Kiev. She added that giving the equipment to Ukraine won’t compromise US preparedness for chemical or biological attacks.

The statement comes weeks after Psaki suggested that Moscow may be planning to deploy chemical or biological weapons against Ukraine. She initially made that assertion in response to documents published by Russia, which alleged that US-backed labs in Ukraine were developing bioweapons.

“This is all an obvious ploy by Russia to try to justify its further premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attack on Ukraine,”Psaki said last month. “Now that Russia has made these false claims, and China has seemingly endorsed this propaganda, we should all be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false flag operation using them.”

US officials also dismissed as “preposterous” subsequent allegations that President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, had been involved in financing military research into dangerous pathogens at Ukrainian biolabs. However, the UK Daily Mail last week reported that correspondence found on the younger Biden’s abandoned laptop at least partially corroborated the Russian claims.

The White House denounced Biden’s threat to use chemical weapons, but they have all been claiming that Russia would do a false flag to try to blame the West for using chemical weapons.

You’ll recall that before a few months ago, the official policy of the US government was that all false flags were a conspiracy theory, despite the fact that false flags have been a long-standing US policy, probably going all the way back to the sinking of the Maine in 1898.

The US claimed the explosion on the USS Maine that started the Spanish-American war was some kind of accident, and then blamed the media for blaming the Spanish. But whether it was an accident or not, the US fed the narrative and used it to start a war with Spain, which was extremely profitable for them.

It’s now an accepted fact by all reasonable adults that US intelligence organized at least one fake chemical attack, and probably two, in Syria. The UN inspector and a high level BBC official admitted that Douma was a staged hoax.

Everything has been pointing to them planning such a thing in the Ukraine. The constant allegations that Russia is planning to do that lead one to think that. The entire narrative that “Russia is losing the war and getting desperate” also play into that.

And of course, just talking about it all the time, unprompted, and now sending this protection equipment – all of that leads one to believe the US is planning on doing this.

Of course, I can’t see what the point would be at this point – no one will believe it, other than the moronic Americans who already believe that Jewish Anal Aryan post-tapers are our true values in a democracy.

Of course, they could start World War III based on such a hoax. If that is indeed their game.