FBI Says “Hate Crimes” Hit All-Time High, Niggers and Faggots Most Affected

There is no such thing as a “hate crime.”

However, insofar as such a thing exists, white people are the number one target, and “black folks” (commonly known as “the niggers”) are the number one perpetrators.

That was true pre-Saint Floyd, but now we have all of these recent videos of blacks randomly attacking whites everywhere, to the point where it is actually totally insane to claim that blacks are somehow the victims.

In terms of faggots – black people probably attack faggots also, I assume, but I’m not even against that, and it is perhaps the most productive activity blacks are engaged in at the current time.


Hate crimes in the United States have continued to rise sharply and have now reached their highest level since records began, according to data from 2021 analyzed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) which was released on Monday.

Overall, 9,065 hate crimes were recorded in 2021, compared to 8,120 in 2020, marking a rise of 12%.

The data shows that black people were the largest group to have been targeted with bias or prejudice, with 2,233 instances noted in the report. The FBI added that 64.5% of hate-crime victims were targeted due to either their race, ethnicity or ancestry – with 15.9% of recorded cases linked to bias against sexual orientation and 14.1% to prejudice against religious beliefs.

Of the subset facing bias due to their religion, Jewish people accounted for a little over half of the incidents. Anti-white prejudice was noted in 948 cases, slightly less than members of the LGBTQ community.

They just don’t include whites in the statistics.

They also don’t include Christians, who are also a number one target – with the Jews (calling themselves “Antifa”) as perpetrators.

The FBI is a Jewish organization, and that is why it is pushing this agenda.

Frankly, black people are not even a major problem on their own. They didn’t used to constantly attack whites, at least never like this. This rise in black-on-white crime is entirely due to these Jewish revolutions being foisted on the blacks. Blacks are an easy target for this, because they are stupid.