Federal Judge Rules Texas Must Remove Floating Toy Barrier from Rio Grande

Nah, bro – leave them toys there. Shit is hilarious. I don’t think the Mexicans mind.

New York Post:

Texas must remove the floating barrier buoys the state placed in the Rio Grande River to deter illegal immigrant crossings, a federal judge ruled Wednesday — but Gov. Greg Abbott wasted no time in announcing he’d appeal.

District Court Judge David Ezra ordered the wrecking ball-sized buoys be taken away by next Friday and banned the Lone Star State from adding any other structures in the Rio Grande — the international boundary between the US and Mexico in Texas — without prior approval from the feds.

Soon after Ezra’s ruling Abbott released a statement, vowing that “Texas will appeal.”

“This ruling is incorrect and will be overturned on appeal. We will continue to utilize every strategy to secure the border, including deploying Texas National Guard soldiers and Department of Public Safety troopers and installing strategic barriers,” the governor said.

Removal of the 1,000-foot marine barrier is part of a preliminary injunction, not a final ruling in the federal lawsuit.

In July, the Justice Department sued Abbott, arguing he did not have the authority to order the placement of the river buoys.

The Republican governor never sought necessary permission from the International Boundary and Water Commission to install the barrier, the federal agency in charge of the river told The Post in July.

The crippled cocksucker Abbott has the absolute ability to declare martial law over this invasion.

But he can’t even walk, let alone use his penis.

He’s a broken man. A sham of a shadow of humanity.

He’s just going to follow the rules.

Despite the fact that he is under no obligation to do so, legally.