Feel-Good Story of the Decade: Canadian Indian Does Adam Sandler Movie in Real Life

If people want cheesy feel-good garbage, why don’t they watch Adam Sandler movies, instead of stories of Indians who copied off of Adam Sandler movies?

Why does it have to always be some weird thing with a fake genocide or some fake oppression?

“Residential schools” were Indian schools in Canada that allegedly abused people (doubtful), and they call the Indians who attended the schools “survivors.”

CBC News:

A residential school survivor in Manitoba who received his high school diploma last week says he hopes to inspire others to believe in their education goals.

“Now I can prove that an elder like me could graduate. If anybody like me can do it, they can do it,” 61-year-old Glenn Courchene said.

Courchene is Anishinaabe from Sagkeeng First Nation, located 100 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg.

He received his high school diploma from the Empower Adult Education Centre, in the neighbouring community of Pine Falls, Man., on Nov. 18.

Courchene made the commitment in February 2019 to obtain his high school diploma.

“I wanted to go back to school and I wanted to complete my education, so what I did was I encouraged myself to believe in myself,” he said.

As a child, he attended the Fort Alexander Indian Residential School in Manitoba for eight years starting in the 1960s. He also attended the day school in the community for three and half years.

At the residential school, he had only gone up to Grade 6, and he blamed the schools for him not being able to speak Anishinaabemowin, the Ojibway language, and for hurting his confidence.

“My education in the residential school, it was kind of hard for me,” Courchene said.

“We couldn’t learn because of what happened to us. We were abused, physical and all that. We were there to learn, not to get hurt.”

Why would a man in his sixties go to high school? Was he getting paid?

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Canadian government media – which is what the CBC is – just made this story up whole cloth.

“Hey, what if an Indian did the Adam Sandler movie Billy Madison in real life? That would be the feel-good story of the decade, and it will also make white people feel bad about themselves!”