France: 61% Say Islam is Incompatible with Their Society

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2017

But will they vote for the one candidate who will remove kebab?

Daily Caller:

A strong majority of French adults say Islam is incompatible with their society.

A new Ipsos poll finds that 61 percent of adults say Islam is incompatible with French society, compared to just 17 percent who say the same about Judaism and 6 percent who believe Catholicism is incompatible with French society.

lel 17% is bretty good anti-Jew numbers, tbh.

Though that was probably mostly Moslems answering that.

The number of those who believe Islam is incompatible is trending upwards and has jumped 8 points since peaking in January 2015, when 47 percent of Frenchmen said Islam is compatible with French society.

Islamic dress codes are especially unpopular in France.

The poll found that 77 percent of Frenchmen want the burkini banned in public, and 79 percent want headscarves banned on university campuses.

French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has tried to capitalize on rising anti-Islam sentiments among the French people, calling the upcoming election a “choice of civilization.”

So, there are no real numbers on Islam in France, because it’s illegal to take religious statistics in the great secular empire. But it’s probably about 15%.

So if 61% are against Islam, and 15% are Moslem, that means only 24% of actual French believe Islam is compatible with their society.

So, about half of white women.

That’s looking good.