France: Macron Now Says He Won’t Make His Granny-Wife First Lady After All

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 8, 2017

Disgusted by the granny fetish of the weirdly-elected President, the French put together a petition demanding that the old lady not be made an official First Lady. Presumably, the petition was driven by the disgusting, paraphilic nature of the sick relationship.


Paraphilia (previously known as sexual perversion and sexual deviation) is the experience of intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, fantasies, behaviors, or individuals. Such attraction may be labeled sexual fetishism.

“Paraphilia” used to simply mean “fixation with sex that cannot lead to reproduction.” However, they had to change the term when they decided that somehow homosexuals were not perverts.

It still refers to pedophiles (the real kind of pedophiles that are attracted to prepubescents, not the new “pedophiles” that are attracted to girls who are below whatever the local age of consent is) and Gerontophiles (granny fetishists) like Macron.

All forms of paraphilia, including homosexualism, pedophila and gerontophilia cause people to feel disgust.

People are disgusted by the pervert Macron and his granny wife.


French President Emmanuel Macron is preparing to backpedal on the issue of creating an official First Lady position for his wife amid attacks from left-wing opponents and a petition against the move, officials and reports said.

The newly elected 39-year-old president had promised in March on the campaign trail to create a “a real status” for his wife Brigitte, who is his former school teacher.

The issue has become a new political headache for Macron after an online petition against creating the role garnered more than 200,000 signatures and a poll showed a majority of French people were also opposed.

The presidency will clarify Brigitte Macron’s position in the coming days, a source told AFP late on Monday, adding that there were would be no change to the constitution to create a new First Lady position.

Instead, the presidency will clarify Brigitte Macron’s resources and make public the cost to the public purse, the source and the BFM news channel said.

The new status would have seen France copy the American system of having a President and First Lady roles. Neither country has ever had a female head of state.

Brigitte Macron, who is 25 years older than her husband at age 64, married her former pupil after they fell in love while writing a play together at school.

Reports say she is preparing to take an active role supporting mental health and handicap charities.

Yes. I’m sure she knows about mental health.

Sick, sick, sick.


After the successful petition to stop her from becoming First Lady, it’s time the French put together a petition to force Macron to divorce her and marry someone younger.

Some random beauty pageant contestant will do fine.

Aside form the “consenting adults” factor, the relationship is, in terms of mental health and normal social behavior, no different than if Macron was married to an 8-year-old, or another man, or his dog.

It is pure perversion.

And it is a blight on the world to have the head of a Western nation-state engaged in this type of sick sexual behavior in public.