The governments of Europe are ramming through vaccine passports like they’re planning on sending homosexuals to ram their penises into your sons’ anuses.
There is no longer even a pretense of honoring basic freedom. The government has decided that coronavirus is a blank check, and they’re writing “everything” on it.
France’s parliament approved a law early Monday requiring special virus passes for all restaurants and domestic travel and mandating coronavirus vaccinations for all health workers.
Both measures have prompted protests and political tensions. President Emmanuel Macron and his government say they are needed to protect vulnerable populations and hospitals as infections rebound and to avoid new lockdowns.
The law requires all workers in the health care sector to start getting vaccinated by September 15, or risk suspension. It also requires a “health pass” to enter all restaurants, trains, planes and some other public venues. It initially applies to all adults, but will apply to everyone 12 and older starting September 30.
To get the pass, people must have proof they are fully vaccinated, recently tested negative or recently recovered from the virus. Paper or digital documents will be accepted. The law says a government decree will outline how to handle vaccination documents from other countries.
The bill was unveiled just six days ago. Lawmakers worked through the night and the weekend to reach a compromise version approved by the Senate on Sunday night and by the National Assembly after midnight. The rules can be applied through November 15, depending on the virus situation.
Macron appealed for national unity and mass vaccination to fight the resurgent virus, and lashed out at those fueling anti-vaccine sentiment and protests.
Yes, the lashing out against protesters is quite a thing. As they take your freedoms, these overlords are also claiming the moral high ground, denouncing you as evil for even believing you are a human being with basic rights.
We saw the same thing in Australia, where protesters were labeled “filthy, disgusting, and selfish.”
Even with the massive protests, the ruling globalist elite obviously have some kind of internal data that shows they have enough support for the virus agenda to press the issue without triggering an uprising.
But you will notice that they are doing only a few countries at a time. They are going to force France, Greece, Italy and the UK into submission, then they will start with America and the rest of the European countries.
The protest in Paris, France against the Macron government domestic vaccine pass is massive. pic.twitter.com/K20R1GMRCN
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) July 24, 2021
BREAKING: Protests and riots continue across France over Macron's vaccine passport/mandate. God bless France! pic.twitter.com/8mXSljfsn9
— Zoomer News Network (@ZNNpatriot) July 21, 2021
Aerial footage of the scale of the protests that have swept France this week in response to Macron's proposal for a health pass checks at all shops, restaurants, and transportation. This from Marseilles, a medium-sized city in Southern France.pic.twitter.com/C1T84up1jY
— Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) July 18, 2021
After you break people, by forcing them to accept something against their will, the protests eventually stop as it becomes normalized. It’s no different than being kidnapped and forced into homosexuality (as will soon also happen to vaxx refusers).
It’s truly amazing that people are allowing this to happen. But frankly, it was all decided as soon as people tolerated the initial lockdown.
Remember that as this happens in France, Australia and Greece, Republicans are standing with Democrats in calling for Joe Biden to invade Cuba, in response to much smaller protests of much less severe restrictions on freedoms.
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are leading the charge for an invasion on the Republican side – and they are (by pure coincidence) both Cubans.
I wish we had Australian and French politicians in America calling for an invasion of those countries to liberate them. But of course, we wouldn’t have that, would we?
The entire system is a fraud and a sham, and all of the Republicans are simply working an angle on the globalist agenda.
It would make just as much sense to be calling for an invasion of France and Australia – in fact, it would make much more sense, because we have a much longer standing relationship with these countries, and it would actually be economically beneficial to invade and “liberate” these countries.
Cuba is a random shithole that means nothing in the scheme of things. They are a target because they are not yet on-board with the vaginal/anal global virus agenda.