France to Work with Russia and Hungary in the Construction of Nuclear Reactors

None of the allies of the Americans actually believe in the “Russia is ontologically evil” narrative. Maybe Jens Stoltenberg and Ursula von der Leyen believe that, but if you are purposefully, constantly looking for loopholes in the sanctions, which clearly undermine the spirit of the sanctions, you don’t believe in the spirit of the sanctions.

The spirit of the sanctions is that “Russia is a force of metaphysical evil.”

Frankly, I would hope that not many adults believe that.


The energy transition ministry of France has agreed to allow Framatome, a nuclear energy subsidiary of Électricité de France (EDF), to participate in the construction of two reactors at the Hungarian Paks-2 nuclear power plant alongside Russian nuclear giant Rosatom, Le Monde reported on Thursday.

According to the report, the issue of Framatome’s participation in the construction of the project was extensively discussed last month during a meeting between French President Emmanuel Macron and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. The matter is controversial due to EU sanctions against Russia. However, “to date, the European sanctions do not target the [Russian] nuclear industry. If French actors wish to engage in partnerships with other European actors, we are not going to prevent them from doing so,” a source close to Agnès Pannier-Runacher, France’s minister of energy transition, told the newspaper.

“French players in the nuclear industry support our European partners, and in particular Hungary, in all their approaches and in all the projects they carry out on their soil as long as they strictly respect the European framework of international sanctions,” the source added.

Le Monde sources noted that Paris and Budapest share “a strong belief in nuclear energy” despite disagreements on other issues on the EU agenda. Framatome declined to comment on the report.

Nuclear energy is a great idea whatever your beliefs.

If you believe in global warming, then it is just totally insane to not be constantly shilling nuclear power. Of course, every major global warming shill organization is against nuclear power, which some might suggest proves, matter of factly, that they do not actually believe in global warming at all, and are simply using it as an excuse for mass deindustrialization of the first world.

Meanwhile: Germany Shuts Down Last Three Nuclear Power Stations, Increases Coal Burning