France: Vaccine Passport to Remain Until Hospitals Not Overwhelmed

Clearly, a big part of the entire goal of this virus hoax, along with destroying all private businesses and taking legal control of people’s bodies as property of the state, was implementing this virus “passport.”

They’ll give you breaks from lockdowns, they might even let you take your mask off, but there is never going to be a time when they tell you you are allowed to be unvaxed and go around about town.


France’s vaccine pass will remain in place until hospitals are able to function normally without cancelling non-emergency procedures to make room for COVID patients in intensive care, Health Minister Olivier Veran said on Wednesday.

The government says the vaccine pass helps curb the spread of the coronavirus and has spurred more people to get the COVID shot, alleviating pressure on hospitals. Critics say it impinges on civil liberties and some have taken to the streets in protest.

“When we have emptied intensive care units, or at least … when there is no further cancellation of procedures and if no new variant in circulation, then the utility of the vaccine pass will be debatable,” the minister told BFM TV.

Asked whether France would require a second booster shot, Veran said it would depend on whether there were further mutations of the virus.

That’s the fourth shot that Israel is using and Germany is now encouraging.

The way these virus passes work is that they expire if you’re not up to date on your shots. So, you get used to this passport thing… you’ll just keep getting the shots.

I hope there is a Trucker Junta in Canada that starts invading and liberating other countries. But I’m not hopeful.

People who want to keep their blood pure need to start figuring out a way to navigate a situation where they are not going to be allowed to move freely – at least not within urban areas.

America has been slower to implement the pass, but that seems largely related to just how incompetent the administration is generally.

But who knows. Maybe it will all be over in 15 years like Lord Fauci promised.