French Infidel Whores on Migrant Center: “I’m Afraid of Robbery, Rape… Who Will Satisfy Their Sexual Needs?”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 18, 2016


So sick of hearing these infidel whores complain about getting raped.

It’s as if they don’t know why Allah created blonde women.


At a meeting Wednesday night, residents of Saint-Denis-de-Cabanne reacted angrily to news that migrants are to be housed in a waterfront castle that serves the French town as a holiday centre.

The meeting followed a leaked document which revealed that, with the so-called “jungle” camp at Calais due to be demolished, the French government is planning to disperse migrants across the country.

Between 50 and 100 migrants, none of them families, are due to arrive in the town of less than 1,300 people in November. Residents of Saint-Denis-de-Cabanne, near Roanne in the Loire, were informed of the arrangements via a letter from the commune’s mayor, René Valorge.

In the letter, Mr Valorge told recipients he was given no choice in the matter of accepting the migrants as the news came in the form of “information and not a consultation”, as the government had issued a “decision without appeal”.

In his letter to the residents of Saint-Denis-de-Cabanne,  Mr Valorge had also anticipated people would be unhappy about the migrants being housed in the town’s holiday castle, which is perched on a hill and has a swimming pool and sports fields.

Around 500 people attended the meeting seeking explanations from government officials, Mutual Aid Pierre Valdo — the organisation which is to manage the migrants, police and the municipal council.

Mutual Aid Pierre Valdo’s chief, Walter Monnet, assured the room that there will be 24 hour security, and said there will be eight staff members attending to migrants.

Mr Monnet also promised to ensure that there will be police presence, with officers conducting regular patrols of the neighbourhood when migrants arrive in Saint-Denis-de-Cabanne.

Rather than reassuring people, France Bleu reported that the migrant agency’s statement just fuelled further questions and discontent in the room.

“Our kids can hang out in the street, they do not risk anything? I’m afraid of robbery, rape … Who will satisfy their sexual needs”, a number of residents reportedly cried.

Another local present at the meeting exclaimed that the migrants are dirty. Speaking of the building marked for migrant occupation from November, she said: “It is a nice castle, which is made for kids. What will they do up there, these men?”

They will pray to Allah, they will sell drugs, they will do gang-rape ambushes, they will plot to blow things up…

They will engage in various other acts which express their diverse culture.

These French are racists. No wonder so many people think the White race should just be wiped out.