French “Ultranationalist” Party Suspends Candidate for Anti-Semitic Posts

Francois Chatelain of Neuville-en-Ferrain posted anti-Israel photos and anti-Semitic statements on his Facebook page

September 12, 2013


France’s ultranationalist National Front party suspended one of its candidates for posting anti-Israel photos and anti-Semitic statements on his Facebook page.

Francois Chatelain of Neuville-en-Ferrain, near Lille, who is running in municipal elections, posted a photo earlier this month on the social networking site with a caption reading “This is France here!” according to the Le Figaro daily newspaper.

Another picture showed a masculine hand pulling away an Israeli flag to reveal the French tricolor.

One post concerned suspicions of sexual abuse at Beth Hanna, a Jewish school in Paris. Chatelain wrote: “Well, that’s a Jew.” Another showed former French President Nicolas Sarkozy with a rabbi and warned against “the lobby which runs the media, finance and provokes wars for colonialist and economic reasons (the Greater Israel project and the elimination of Iran and Syria).”

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