Friday Poll: Religious Affiliations

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 13, 2014

When God made Adam.
When God made Adam.

Well, we had a bit of a religious shake-up this week, which resulted in a lot of emotion.

Just a note on that – many people seem to have been confused by my post saying that there would not be further scriptural analysis on the site, and got the impression that there would no longer be Christianity on the site.  This is not at all the case, and I should have been more explicit.

There were two articles, each endorsing a specific denomination of Christianity, each posted last week.  All that I have stated is that this exact thing will not be allowed.  Though CI people are the most vocal in the comments section, we have many readers from different denominations, and our position is to embrace Christianity as a whole, rather than endorse one denomination over another.

This is a largely Christian-oriented site, but before that, it is a White-oriented site, and White people follow many different brands of Christianity – or none at all – and none of those people should feel alienated by the material on the site.  Religion is obviously a very sensitive issue, and because our purpose is to provide a message which is clear and non-sectarian, endorsing specific Christian denominations is beyond our scope.

This is not a negotiable position, and if people cannot accept it, they are welcome to find another place to read the news.

Clement’s recent article has been deleted, given that it was widely perceived to be endorsing the “God’s Chosen People” narrative of modern Zionist Christianity.  Though I do not believe this was his intent, claiming that the modern Jews are the same people who were chosen by God in the Old Testament is offensive to all forms of Christianity.

Though I do not wish to go into detail here, modern Jews are completely genetically different than the Hebrews of the Old Testament.  This is something that all who have studied the matter can agree on as historical fact, regardless of the denomination one chooses to follow.

Anyway, on to the Friday poll.

Because this is Poll Friday.

Please vote honestly, and don’t vote more than once.  Do not vote “Jew” as a joke.

[yop_poll id=”6″]


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