From Hell: Non-White Monster’s Brutal Rape and Murder of 12-Year-Old White Niece

Daily Stormer
February 7, 2014

Tia Rigg, 12, was brutally slaughtered by her  non-White uncle, John Maden.
Tia Rigg, 12, was brutally slaughtered by her non-White uncle, John Maden.

It is important to understand that we here at the Daily Stormer are only capable of reporting on a miniscule portion of the violent crimes committed against our people by the non-White hordes. As we cover both the crimes of black Americans and Muslim immigrants in Europe (as well as the non-Whites in Australia and South Africa), what we are reporting is only a fraction of 1% of these crimes.

John Maden, child murder-rapist brought to the UK by the Jews.
John Maden, child murder-rapist brought to the UK by the Jews.

Sometimes, there is something so unimaginable, that it serves to illustrate perfectly the entire phenomenon of non-White crime against the White European race. This is one such story, of an event which took place in 2010.

John Maden, who appears to be either half African or Arab, was sentenced in the UK for the rape and murder of his 12-year-old niece.

From NY Daily News:

John Maden, 37, of Manchester, England, lured his adolescent niece Tia Rigg to his home by pretending he needed her to baby-sit his 10-year-old daughter, the BBC reports.

Just 45 minutes later, she was dead.

Maden drugged her with pills and proceeded to abuse and kill her, stabbing her in the stomach and strangling her with a guitar string.

Police came to the scene to find Rigg’s naked body with her hands tied behind her back.

They also found two knives and a sex toy nearby.

In a chilling emergency call, Maden revealed his crime to the operator, saying, “My niece has been murdered by me…I have just finished killing her now,” according to the Daily Mail.

When the operator asked why he had done it, he responded, “Because I felt like it.”

“It was murder purely for his sexual gratification – it had a sexual motive,” prosecutor Gordon Cole argued during Maden’s trial. “The facts reveal clearly features of torture, rape, physical abuse and the ultimate murder of a child.”

Maden, unemployed, had downloaded over 2,000 explicit pornographic images from the Internet, including violent and graphic child pornography.

He was also reportedly obsessed with snuff films — real-life murders caught on tape – and searches of his computer revealed he had done in-depth research on killing.

“This material and the subsequent discovery of Tia reveals that this defendant was acting out a long-held fascination with rape, torture and abuse of children,” Cole said. “He reenacted scenes from his collection of pornographic material.”

After his arrest, the Daily Mail reports, Maden claimed he heard a “bad voice” in his head “controlling him and telling him what to do.”

Justice Brian Keith, who sentenced Maden to life in prison on Tuesday, called the crime “horrific” and “premeditated.”

“It is inescapable that Tia Rigg died because you decided to realize your fantasies about torturing and killing a young child,” Keith said. “The fact that you chose your 12-year-old niece who had put her trust in you made what you did all the more unspeakable.”

Remember that if it were not for the Jews, and their liberal lackeys, this man would not have been in the UK, and this girl would still be alive.  Those who support the immigration agenda are as responsible – more so, in fact – for the crimes these people as the monsters who commit them.