Gamers: Beating Toddlers with Bricks, Doing Drive-By Shootings, Trying to Kill Their Husbands

Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
May 4, 2019

Tristin Tavares Bernard, 18

Gamers are doing all kinds of irrational things because we keep not giving them the education and free stuff that they need in order to contain the beast.

White people giving gamers more free stuff would have prevented this.

Daily Mail:

A Florida man is accused of beating a three-year-old girl with a brick and leaving her to die inside a trash bin, according to authorities.

The right place to dump gamers.

Miami Gardens police on Friday charged Tristan Tavares Bernard, 18, with attempted second-degree murder, aggravated battery, and aggravated child abuse amounting to torture in connection with the Thursday night attack.

They say the girl, who family members say was named ‘Catora,’ was being babysat by Bernard’s mother at her home in the 20100 block of Northwest 27th Court in Miami Gardens.

Bernard, who is not related to the child, but is said to be a close friend of her family, was at the address as well.

The girl’s uncle told CBS4 Bernard has a history of mental instability.

Nobody in this world would expect that he would do that, like [he] never show that sign that he would do that,’ the victim’s uncle, who did not want to give his name, told multiple local news reporters.

Yeah, that’s the thing about gamers: you never know when they’ll explode. The chimp is always trying to get out.

But the gamer’s uncle is wrong. He did show a sign that he would do that: the color of his skin.

Looking at crime statistics it’s clear that gamers commit the majority of violent crime everywhere, and the same applies outside of the United States. You don’t even need to look at the crime statistics of Africa. Looking at pictures is enough.

Unfortunately, the Jews have imported gamers to the West and blamed us for it, so now we have to deal with these chimps doing their violent beast stuff.

Daily Mail:

Police in St. Louis are searching for a gunman who shot and wounded a 27-year-old woman on Interstate 70 on Tuesday afternoon.

Authorities released a photograph of the suspect, who is seen with his torso sticking out of the front passenger side window of a silver Mercedes-Benz sedan while holding what appears to be an assault weapon.

Living close to gamers is yet another reason to be fit and athletic — especially if you live very close to them.

Daily Mail:

The second time Matt Fitzgerald’s wife tried to kill him, he was convinced that she was going to succeed.

Charging at her husband with a seven-inch kitchen knife, before clawing at his face and lashing him with a studded belt, Nataki screamed: ‘Nobody’s going to save you this time. You’re all alone.’

After suffering two painful swipes from the belt, a shoeless Matt escaped their home in his car, only to be pursued by his wife who threw herself on the roof of the vehicle screaming insults and curses.

It sounds like a horror movie because living with gamers is a horror movie.

Matt Fitzgerald and Nataki

During the attack – one of several that occurred throughout their marriage – Nataki was in the grip of a devastating mental illness that sent her into a downward spiral of paranoia and psychosis.

So that’s what’s happening to all the gamers in America. If we medicate them, maybe they’ll behave like humans.

Over the course of a decade, Nataki had repeatedly attacked Matt with a kitchen knife, throttled him, attempted to run him over with her car, and even tried to burn down their house with him inside.

‘I didn’t know that I was going to come out of some of those moments alive,’ he says. ‘Nataki was a strong woman. And she just became almost supernaturally strong during these psychotic breaks.

That sounds just like the average gamer. That’s what they do, so either they all have paranoia and psychosis, or that’s just what healthy gamers do.

He describes an incident when he locked himself in their home to escape Nataki’s rage, and she responded by lifting a four-foot plaster bird bath with ‘Herculean ease’ and hurling it at their glass back door.

But his most recent book Life is a Marathon focuses not only on his relationship with sport, but more specifically how this has helped him endure the challenge of loving and supporting Nataki through her illness.

‘We’re such an odd couple that when we meet people you can see them sizing us up,’ Matt says. ‘I wanted the book to give people a sense of how it does work, why our chemistry is what it is, and why I consider her to be a really special and remarkable woman.’

Pff. Gay.

Here’s some pictures of them when they were younger:

This is what they look like now:

They don’t seem to have made any mixed-race abomination babies.

Imagine wasting your life caring for a burger-nipple obese female that wants to kill you and then writing a book about how great she is.

What level of Estrogen Stockholm Syndrome is that?

What a waste.

What a disgusting waste. How can he even bear touching the skin of his obese gamer wife? Not even doctors can contain the disgust of touching such a creature — and they wear gloves.

Daily Mail:

Arizona parents are demanding answers after sharing an upsetting video that purports to show hospital staff drop one of their premature twin daughters on her head just moments after birth.

Monique and Derrick Rodgers, of Chandler, welcomed their twins, Morgan and Madison, ahead of schedule on Valentine’s Day at Chandler Regional Medical Center.

Just days later, they say their daughter Morgan, who was born underweight, suffered a hemorrhage on the left side of her brain, and the parents want to know if it was caused by the doctor seemingly dropping their child onto a hospital bassinet, head first.

You can’t blame the hospital staff for that. Touching these creatures sounds like torture.

Disgusting torture.