Germany: AfD Politician Fined for Quoting Official Government Gang-Rape Statistics

Marie-Thérèse Kaiser, AfD politician

Someone is doing the raping, Don.

European Conservative:

The Verden regional court in Lower Saxony has upheld a verdict against Rotenburg AfD leader Marie-Thérèse Kaiser for incitement to hatred. The 27-year-old was also found guilty in the appeal hearing on Monday of inciting hatred against Afghan local workers.

For this, the politician now has to pay 100 day fines (a type of fine related to daily income of the convicted) plus a fine of €60, a total of €6,000. In Germany, you are considered to have a criminal record if you are sentenced to pay more than 90 day fines.

The charge was based on a post that Kaiser had spread on her social media accounts in August 2021. In it, she wrote: “Afghanistan refugees; Hamburg SPD mayor for ‘unbureaucratic’ acceptance; Welcoming culture for gang rape?”

Among other things, the politician linked to an article showing that Afghans in Germany are particularly heavily involved in gang rape.

The verdict has now also caught the attention of X CEO Elon Musk. He retweeted a post summarizing the punishment and wrote: “Are you saying the penalty was imposed for repeating accurate government statistics? Was there anything wrong with what she said?”

The reason for Kaiser’s post from 2021 was statements made by Hamburg’s First Mayor, Peter Tschentscher (SPD), who announced that he would take in 200 Afghan local workers in Hamburg. The AfD politician justified her concern about uncontrolled immigration with statistics and warned of rapes by “culturally alien masses.”

Before the district court hearing, Kaiser said: “The mere mention of numbers, data, and facts is to be declared a criminal offense simply because the establishment refuses to accept reality. I won’t let myself be silenced.”

Judge Heiko Halbfas saw things differently on Monday: “Those who attack human dignity cannot invoke freedom of speech.” Kaiser deliberately created an image in the minds of others that led to hatred of a nationally determined group, the district newspaper reported.

This whole “rape” issue is obviously the most politically correct possible angle to talk about immigration. But the government doesn’t allow it, even when you’re just quoting their own statistics.

Their own statistics are bullshit, because they only claim that foreigners are 70 times more likely to engage in gang-rape.

Do you think for every 70 Afghani gang-rapists, there is one German gang-rapist? It’s absurd. It would be absurd if they said one in 700 or one in 7,000. Maybe there is a German that would engage in gang-rape, but you would need a gang of Germans in order to engage in the titular act.

Anyway, the government hears all of this material as “Heil Hitler.” I wouldn’t say that you might as well just say “Heil Hitler.” I agree with not saying that. But this is how any criticism of brown people is treated, in every Western country, because obviously the goal is the same.

If you can get a response to the left on this issue, they will say that even though Afghanis are a lot more likely to do rape, most Afghanis are not rapists. This is presumably true. The larger effect of importing a bunch of gang-rapists into a country that was formerly very safe is that women are scared to go out on the streets alone.

But that really isn’t the issue. The issue is about a transformation of the society and a smothering of the German people.

There is nothing wrong with talking about crime statistics, but it’s clear that this is not, in itself, a winning issue. People think you’re just making an excuse for “racism,” which in most cases is obviously true.

We have to be able to talk about the fact that crime is not the main issue. Crime is at best a symptom of a much larger issue, which is the fact that we are undergoing a transformation of formerly white countries into bases for the worst people in the world from brown countries. The issue is that white countries are not going to exist in the future if we continue on with this ideological policy of systematic race replacement.