Germany: Catholic Bishops Attack AfD, Say Not Flooding Your Country with Moslems is Anti-Christian

Mind you, these are the same German bishops who support shoving penises, fists, and other objects into the anuses of young boys.

I don’t really think we should put too much on what they think about flooding the country with savage brown folk from the Southlands.

Deutsche Welle:

Catholic bishops meeting in the city of Augsburg this week strongly condemned the rise of ethnic nationalism and right-wing extremism in German society.

“Right-wing extremist parties and those that run rampant on the fringes of this ideology can therefore not be a place of political activity for Christians and are also not electable,” they said in a statement.

On this point, the bishops made an explicit reference to the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD). They said the party’s beliefs are “incompatible with the Christian image of God and humankind.”

The statement is highly unusual because for the past 25 years, the Catholic bishops have been reluctant to offer any assessments of political parties.

The head of the Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing, explained that the more than 60 bishops deliberated at length over making a statement, but agreed it was necessary. He also pointed out that the declaration had been adopted unanimously.

Georg Bätzing promotes trannyism and faggotry, but accuses other people of not being Christian

“After several spurts of radicalization,” the statement reads, “the AfD is now dominated by a nationalistic attitude.” It goes on to point out that the AfD oscillates between genuine right-wing extremism, which the domestic intelligence agency has documented in some regional branches and in the party’s youth organization, and less radical right-wing populism.

The statement specifically denounces hostility toward refugees, migrants and Muslims, and “to an increasing extent” Jews.

The bishops indicated that they will hold full-time church employees and volunteers to account. “Moreover, the circulation of right-wing extremist slogans — which includes racism and antisemitism in particular — is incompatible with full-time or volunteer service in the Church.”

In early December, the Protestant Church in Germany also issued a statement on the AfD, declaring that the party’s stance is “in no way compatible with the principles of the Christian faith.” Jewish and Muslim communities have also issued warnings, indicating there is a broad religious alliance against the AfD.

It’s just everything you would expect in modern Germany.

The churches are all Satanic.

It was the Germans who normalized “anal blessings” before the Pope came out and started telling everyone to do them.

Germany the country is not that bad, and in many ways a lot of parts are like rural United States, just not as fat. East Germany might as well be Russia in terms of people’s thinking. But Berlin is one of the worst cesspits on earth. And Berlin is the power center, not just of Germany, but of all of Europe.