Germany: National Obsession with Forcing Children to be Gay Enables Serious Exploitation

Germany’s industry is totally wrecked.

You can’t just recalibrate for a 500-1000% increase in energy prices.


One in four German companies is considering moving production to other countries amid the energy crisis, Tanja Gönner, CEO of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), told Die Welt am Sonntag news outlet.

“The high energy prices and the weakening economy are hitting the German economy with full force and are placing a great burden on our companies compared to other international locations. The German business model is under enormous stress…Every fourth German company is thinking about relocating production abroad,” Gönner stated.

Germany’s energy-intensive chemical industry is particularly affected by the crisis, Wolfgang Grosse Entrup, CEO of the German chemical industry association (VCI), told the news outlet.

The brutal energy prices are knocking us out…Without a functioning price brake, the government is willfully accepting deindustrialization,” he warned, adding that if the chemical industry fails, other industries will follow, which “could be the knockout for Germany as a business location.”

Germany is telling you they’re collapsing the economy because they want to force children in the Donbass to do anal (gay).

The “borders of Ukraine can never change” they say, because children in the Donbass have to have these tranny lessons in school.

You, as a right-winger, might not understand this, but just go on Twitter and look at these Ukraine flag people. They are all talking about child trannies. Liberals all understand that the message of Western governments is “we have to ensure these children are available for sex.”


I could go on and on, because there are hundreds of thousands of these accounts. If you don’t understand that this is not a joke, please go try to find someone supporting the Ukraine on Twitter who is not also pushing child molestation/pederasty via the child tranny agenda. #StandWithUkraine is just a code word for #SodomizeLittleBoys.

You might not get it, but every single liberal/child molester understands what these governments are saying when they talk about the importance of supporting the Ukraine.

However, this thing they are saying obviously doesn’t make any sense. Those women that run Germany really, really like little boys being molested, but it’s not a reasonable trade. The Donbass is a small area.

The real story is that they are being told to do this by the United States, which still occupies Germany with tens of thousands of troops and runs their government through their control of German security services. The US is also very big on child molestation, but they would not be doing all of this simply to force gay child sex on a very small strip of land in the former USSR. The real reason for the war is that the US is trying to collapse the government of Russia so that they can install a puppet regime. The goal here is a one world government controlled by the Jews.

Meanwhile, these World Economic Forum people are looking at the collapsing Western economies and thinking they’re doing a “Great Reset” on their own population. They’ve been trying to force the people into poverty for decades, and they believe this is all going according to plan. Of course, the plan doesn’t really make any sense – if you’re planning on a war with Russia and China, why would you first collapse your own economy? I mean, okay, you want a one world government where everyone is poor and being depopulated so you can like, bring in robots or whatever, but the first step in that plan is to take over the world. You can’t skip that step and make your own countries poor while your enemy gathers strength.

All this is to say: the global conspiracy is not only bizarre and evil, but also incompetent.