Germany: Scholz Wants to End Ukraine Conflict Through Negotiation, Not Force

Scholz is a weirdo. Probably goes to those brothels in Germany that are really weird.

You know… the super-weird German brothels.

He’d rather not have Russia invade and ruin his party.


The Western nations should never walk out of talks with Moscow, regardless of how big the “differences” between the two sides are, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz told Germany’s SZ newspaper in an interview published on Friday. Dropping out of any talks with Moscow would only make the task of ending the ongoing conflict in Ukraine harder, the chancellor believes.

“What is important is that, despite major differences in [our] positions, we do not let the thread of talks with Russia be broken,” Scholz said, adding that “if we do not talk, Russia would be even less likely to end the war.”

The chancellor still blames Moscow for its ongoing conflict with Kiev and maintains it is Russia that should be proactive in halting military action. Yet, the chancellor also advocates a negotiated solution rather than a military one. “For this, it will be necessary to talk,” he told SZ.

When asked about when there could be a “window for negotiations,” Scholz said that “the time has actually long since come.” The chancellor also expressed his hope that “once this war is over and we are dealing with a different Russia … capable of making peace, we may be able to live together again.” He did not elaborate on what he meant by “a different Russia.”

Scholz also and once again outlined Berlin’s position on arms deliveries to Ukraine, saying that Germany would send “modern weapons” to Kiev but would also seek to prevent a “direct confrontation between NATO and Russia” and would not take any steps in the field of military aid alone.

The German chancellor has repeatedly called for continued dialogue with Moscow, arguing that it was the only viable option for ending the fighting in Ukraine. Earlier in December, he defended his decision to “keep talking” to Russian President Vladimir Putin by saying he wants to live to see the moment when it would be possible “to get out of this situation.”

None of the European leaders actually want this war other than of course the Poles, and presumably the three formerly Russian Baltic states. Everyone else is doing it only because they are completely beholden to the United States.

Everyone is getting pressured by their populations now as well, because it’s winter and people can’t really pay for heat and can only barely afford food. There is no end in sight, as Russia has mobilized a new army to rush the Ukraine, and is planning a full invasion, probably in January.

The US “Anal Alliance” is saying they’re going to fight it off, and the only way that is possible is by full, direct NATO invasion, upon which all bets are completely off.